Summary of long-term flowering data for Delphinium nuttallianum at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory

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These data come from a long-term study (still in progress as of 2008) of the phenology and abundance of flowering at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory by David Inouye. Individual plots (e.g., Rocky Meadow Plot #7) are 2x2m, and are visited every other day to count all flowers of all species. This file summarizes data from 1973-2007 for 8 plots, including: the first date of flowering, date of the peak number of flowers, date of the peak number of inflorescences, the peak number of flowers counted, the peak number of inflorescences counted, and the length of the flowering period.


An Excel spreadsheet and a PDF of the spreadsheet are included in this submission. Two papers have been published using parts of this data set, and another is in progress (Miller-Rushing and Inouye, 2008). Please contact if you are interested in using this data set, need more information about it, or would like to collaborate on any additional analyses. A related data set has, for five plots at or near RMBL, the number of flowering plants each year since 1991, with the total number of flower buds produced per inflorescence and the number of aborted buds.
