Mathematics Theses and Dissertations

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    Quantum Algorithms for Nonconvex Optimization: Theory and Implementation
    (2024) Leng, Jiaqi; Wu, Xiaodi XW; Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Continuous optimization problems arise in virtually all disciplines of quantitative research. While convex optimization has been well-studied in recent decades, large-scale nonconvex optimization problems remain intractable in both theory and practice. Quantum computers are expected to outperform classical computers in certain challenging computational problems. Some quantum algorithms for convex optimization have shown asymptotic speedups, while the quantum advantage for nonconvex optimization is yet to be fully understood. This thesis focuses on Quantum Hamiltonian Descent (QHD), a quantum algorithm for continuous optimization problems. A systematic study of Quantum Hamiltonian Descent is presented, including theoretical results concerning nonconvex optimization and efficient implementation techniques for quantum computers. Quantum Hamiltonian Descent is derived as the path integral of classical gradient descent algorithms. Due to the quantum interference of classical descent trajectories, Quantum Hamiltonian Descent exhibits drastically different behavior from classical gradient descent, especially for nonconvex problems. Under mild assumptions, we prove that Quantum Hamiltonian Descent can always find the global minimum of an unconstrained optimization problem given a sufficiently long runtime. Moreover, we demonstrate that Quantum Hamiltonian Descent can efficiently solve a family of nonconvex optimization problems with exponentially many local minima, which most commonly used classical optimizers require super-polynomial time to solve. Additionally, by using Quantum Hamiltonian Descent as an algorithmic primitive, we show a quadratic oracular separation between quantum and classical computing. We consider the implementation of Quantum Hamiltonian Descent for two important paradigms of quantum computing, namely digital (fault-tolerant) and analog quantum computers. Exploiting the product formula for quantum Hamiltonian simulation, we demonstrate that a digital quantum computer can implement Quantum Hamiltonian Descent with gate complexity nearly linear in problem dimension and evolution time. With a hardware-efficient sparse Hamiltonian simulation technique known as Hamiltonian embedding, we develop an analog implementation recipe for Quantum Hamiltonian Descent that addresses a broad class of nonlinear optimization problems, including nonconvex quadratic programming. This analog implementation approach is deployed on large-scale quantum spin-glass simulators, and the empirical results strongly suggest that Quantum Hamiltonian Descent has great potential for highly nonconvex and nonlinear optimization tasks.
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    Simulation Optimization: Efficient Selection and Dynamic Programming
    (2023) Zhou, Yi; Fu, Michael C; Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Many real-world problems can be modeled as stochastic systems, whose performances can be estimated by simulations. Important topics include statistical ranking and selection (R&S) problems, response surface problems, and stochastic estimation problems. The first part of the dissertation focuses on the R&S problems, where there is a finite set of feasible solutions ("systems" or "alternatives") with unknown values of performances that must be estimated from noisy observations, e.g., from expensive stochastic simulation experiments. The goal in R&S problems is to identify the highest-valued alternative as quickly as possible. In many practical settings, alternatives with similar attributes could have similar performances; we thus focus on such settings where prior similarity information between the performance outputs of different alternatives can be learned from data. Incorporating similarity information enables efficient budget allocation for faster identification of the best alternative in sequential selection. Using a new selection criterion, the similarity selection index, we develop two new allocation methods: one based on a mathematical programming characterization of the asymptotically optimal budget allocation, and the other based on a myopic expected improvement measure. For the former, we present a novel sequential implementation that provably learns the optimal allocation without tuning. For the latter, we also derive its asymptotic sampling ratios. We also propose a practical way to update the prior similarity information as new samples are collected. The second part of the dissertation considers the stochastic estimation problems of estimating a conditional expectation. We first formulate the conditional expectation as a ratio of two stochastic derivatives. Applying stochastic gradient estimation techniques, we express the two derivatives using ordinary expectations, which can be then estimated by Monte Carlo methods. Based on an empirical distribution estimated from simulation, we provide guidance on selecting the appropriate formulation of the derivatives to reduce the variance of the ratio estimator. The third part of this dissertation further explores the application of estimators for conditional expectations in policy evaluation, an important topic in stochastic dynamic programming. In particular, we focus on a finite-horizon setting with continuous state variables. The Bellman equation represents the value function as a conditional expectation. By using the finite difference method and the generalized likelihood ratio method, we propose new estimators for policy evaluation and show how the value of any given state can be estimated using sample paths starting from various other states.
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    (2022) Wan, Peng; Fu, Michael C; Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Activity networks are a powerful tool for modeling and analysis in project management, and in many other applications, such as circuit design and parallel computing. An activity network can be represented by a directed acyclic graph with one source node and one sink node. The directed arcs between nodes in an activity network represent the precedence relationships between different activities in the project. In a stochastic activity network (SAN), the arc lengths are random variables. This dissertation studies stochastic gradient estimators for SANs using Monte Carlo simulation, and the application of stochastic gradient estimators to network optimization problems. A new algorithm called Threshold Arc Criticality (TAC) for estimating the arc criticalities of stochastic activity networks is proposed. TAC is based on the following result: given the length of all arcs in a SAN except for the one arc of interest, that arc is on the critical path (longest path) if and only if its length is greater than a threshold. By applying Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis (IPA) to TAC, an unbiased estimator of the derivative of the arc criticalities with respect to parameters of arc length distributions can be derived. The stochastic derivative estimator can be used for sensitivity analysis of arc criticalities via simulation. Using TAC, a new IPA gradient estimator of the first and second moments of project completion time (PCT) is proposed. Combining the new PCT stochastic gradient estimator with a Taylor series approximation, a functional estimation procedure for estimating the change in PCT moments caused by a large perturbation in an activity duration's distribution parameter is proposed and applied to optimization problems involving time-cost tradeoffs. In activity networks, crashing an activity means reducing the activity's duration (deterministic or stochastic) by a given percentage with an associated cost. A crashing plan of a project aims to shorten the PCT by reducing the duration of a set of activities under a limited budget. A disruption is an event that occurs at an uncertain time. Examples of disruptions are natural disasters, electrical outages, labor strikes, etc. For an activity network, a disruption may cause delays in unfinished activities. Previous work formulates finding the optimal crashing plan of an activity network under a single disruption as a two-stage stochastic mixed integer programming problem and applies a sample average approximation technique for finding the optimal solution. In this thesis, a new stochastic gradient estimator is derived and a gradient-based simulation optimization algorithm is applied to the problem of optimizing crashing under disruption.
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    Working in Reverse: Advancing Inverse Optimization in the Fields of Equilibrium and Infrastructure Modeling
    (2022) Allen, Stephanie Ann; Gabriel, Steven A; Dickerson, John P; Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Transportation and infrastructure modeling allows us to pursue societal aims such as improved disaster management, traffic flow, and water allocation. Equilibrium programming enables us to represent the entities involved in these applications such that we can learn more about their dynamics. These entities include transportation users and market players. However, determining the parameters in these models can be a difficult task because the entities involved in these equilibrium processes may not be able to articulate or to disclose the parameterizations that motivate them. The field of inverse optimization (IO) offers a potential solution to this problem by taking observed equilibria to these systems and using them to parameterize equilibrium models. In this dissertation, we explore the use of inverse optimization to parameterize multiple new or understudied subclasses of equilibrium problems as well as expand inverse optimization's application to new infrastructure domains. In the first project of our dissertation, our contribution to the literature is to propose that IO can be used to parameterize cost functions in multi-stage stochastic programs for disaster management and can be used in disaster support systems. We demonstrate in most of our experiments that using IO to obtain the hidden cost parameters for travel on a road network changes the protection decisions made on that road network when compared to utilizing the mean of the parameter range for the hidden parameters (also referred to as ``uniform cost''). The protection decisions made under the IO cost parameterizations versus the true cost parameterizations are similar for most of the experiments, thus lending credibility to the IO parameterizations. In the second project of our dissertation, we extend a well-known framework in the IO community to the case of jointly convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems (GNEPs). We demonstrate the utility of this framework in a multi-player transportation game in which we vary the number of players, the capacity level, and the network topology in the experiments as well as run experiments assuming the same costs among players and different costs among players. Our promising results provide evidence that our work could be used to regulate traffic flow toward aims such as reduction of emissions. In the final project of our dissertation, we explore the general parameterization of the constant vector in linear complementarity problems (LCPs), which are mathematical expressions that can represent optimization, game theory, and market models (Gabriel et al., 2012). Unlike the limited previous work on inverse optimization for LCPs, we characterize theoretical considerations regarding the inverse optimization problem for LCPs, prove that a previously proposed IO solution model can be dramatically simplified, and handle the case of multiple solution data points for the IO LCP problem. Additionally, we use our knowledge regarding LCPs and IO in a water market allocation case study, which is an application not previously explored in the IO literature, and we find that charging an additional tax on the upstream players enables the market to reach a system optimal. In sum, this dissertation contributes to the inverse optimization literature by expanding its reach in the equilibrium problem domain and by reaching new infrastructure applications.
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    Exact and Heuristic Methods for Emerging Vehicle Routing Problems
    (2022) Oden, Eric John; Golden, Bruce; Raghavan, S.; Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    The rise of global supply chains and e-commerce in recent decades have intensified the relevance of the transportation industry to both the individual and the economy. With rising consumer expectations and slim profit margins, the various sectors within the transportation industry rely on the development of carefully designed routes to remain competitive. Despite the wealth of research on route design, and the responsiveness of the research community to practical considerations, there remain gaps between the work done in practice and that appearing in the literature. Correspondingly, the work in this dissertation is directly in response to conversations had with contacts from real-world companies within the transportation domain. We consider problems presented, verbally, by companies representing three distinct segments of the industry: freight routing, last-mile delivery, and on-demand passenger transport. Each problem is centered around an innovative strategy with the potential to dramatically disrupt its corresponding domain. First, we consider the Shared Truckload (STL) freight shipping model, an alternative to the dominant Less-than-Truckload (LTL) model. Both models pool shipments from multiple customers into a single trailer, but, in the latter, consolidation is facilitated by a hub-and-spoke routing network, whereas, in the the former, freight moves directly from origin to destination. This strategy minimizes travel times and the risk of damage. We then investigate a novel strategy to facilitate last-mile, last-minute delivery, through coordinating a fleet of trucks and a fleet of smaller vehicles, referred to as shuttles. In order to accommodate requests which come in after trucks have been dispatched, shuttles are allowed to pick up packages from a depot and intercept trucks along their routes. This strategy can enable a shipper to make highly competitive service guarantees. Finally, we consider the emerging field of Urban Air Mobility (UAM), a vision of air taxis conveying passengers at lower altitudes throughout urban areas as an efficient alternative to gridlock traffic. In particular, we consider a UAM service company in the early stages of its development, where the chief goal is to maximize market share. These innovations represent significant deviations from the status quo in their respective fields, and, thus, the existing research for each is slim, if existent. Therefore, we introduce precise mathematical formulations of each of the problems to the research community. We then develop both exact and heuristic approaches to solve the problems, and carry out extensive computational studies comparing the solution methodologies. Furthermore, for each of the problems, we offer a sensitivity analysis and managerial insights. Among our contributions are original algorithms based on solving a set-partitioning formulations via column generation, a highly successful paradigm for solving large linear programs. Among the advantages of this approach is the ability to include highly general route costs and constraints. We illustrate this expressiveness by demonstrating its application to each of the three highly distinct problems we consider.
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    Mathematical Programming and Heuristic Approaches for Three Novel Vehicle Routing Problems
    (2022) Luo, Yuchen; Golden, Bruce; Mathematics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Vehicle routing problems (VRPs) arise in key real-world domains including mail delivery, police patrol, and snow plowing. Due to the inherent complexity of the VRP, no algorithm currently exists that can solve the VRP exactly in polynomial time. In the meantime, high quality solutions are needed to tackle challenging issues such as rising mail and package delivery costs and surging crime rates. In this dissertation, we design efficient routing solutions for three applications of the VRP. First, we consider the application of the hot spot police patrol, where hot spots refer to locations with high crime rates. We examine the routing problem for a patrol car that visits locations in a region and remains close to the center of the region modeling a high-crime neighborhood (HCN). We formulate this problem as the traveling salesman problem with a center (TSPC), in which we minimize an energy function including L (the length of a tour) and C (the distance from a tour to the center, defined by some metric). To address the TSPC, we propose a metric to measure C rather accurately and also introduce the idea of a triangular path, in which the patrol car no longer travels in a straight line between two nodes. We show that under identical circumstances, the tour with triangular paths remains closer to the center than a tour using all direct edges in both a Euclidean graph and a grid network. Second, we extend the hot spot police patrol to a fleet of patrol cars. Given the disorder and chaos in the HCN, we require at least one patrol car in the HCN at any given time during the patrol. We call this routing problem the hot spot coverage patrol problem (HSCPP). In the HSCPP, the importance of a patrol location is quantified by a prize and our objective is to maximize the sum of prizes collected by the patrol cars while obeying all operations requirements. We propose mathematical formulations and develop several solution approaches for the HSCPP. These solution approaches are based on integer programming and column generation. We then conduct a detailed computational study to compare these approaches using real crime data from Montgomery County, Maryland. We point out the best solution approaches in terms of optimality gap, runtime, and workload balancing. Third, we consider mail deliveries. To reduce the fleet size and carbon emissions of a postal service, we allow two mail carriers per truck. We call this problem the paired mail carrier problem (PMCP). Our objective is to minimize the route completion time while ensuring that each service stop is fully serviced and obeys all feasibility constraints. We develop a mixed integer programming formulation and two fast heuristics for the PMCP. We evaluate the impact of the paired mail carriers (PMC) setting on both a one-truck situation and a fleet (multiple trucks) situation, relative to the single mail carrier (SMC) setting. Overall, the PMC setting can not only accomplish over 50% more work within the same shift hours but can also lead to a 22% cost savings.
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    Convergence rate theory for global optimization
    (2021) Li, Jialin; Ryzhov, Ilya; Mathematics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Global optimization is used to control complex systems whose response is an unknown function on a continuous domain. Response values can only be observed empirically by simulations, and cannot be accurately represented using closed-form mathematical expressions. Prediction of true optimizer in this context is usually accomplished by constructing a surrogate model that can be thought of as an interpolation of a discrete set of observed design points. This thesis includes study of convergence rates of epsilon-greedy global optimization under radial basis function interpolation. We derive both convergence rates and concentration inequalities for a general and widely used class of interpolation models known as radial basis functions, used in conjunction with a randomized algorithm that searches for solutions either within a small neighborhood of the current-best, or randomly over the entire domain. An interesting insight of this work is that the convergence rate is improved when the size of the local search region shrinks to zero over time in a certain way. My work precisely characterizes the rate of this shrinkage. Gaussian process regression is another tool that is widely used to construct surrogate models. A theoretical framework is developed for proving new moderate deviations inequalities on different types of error probabilities that arise in GP regression. Two specific examples of broad interest are the probability of falsely ordering pairs of points (incorrectly estimating one point as being better than another) and the tail probability of the estimation error of the minimum value. Our inequalities connect these probabilities to the mesh norm, which measures how well the design points fill the space. Convergence rates are further instantiated in settings of using a Gaussian kernel, and either deterministic or random design sequences. Convergence can be more rapid when we are not totally blind to the objective function. As an example, we present a work on simultaneous asymmetric orthogonal tensor decomposition. Tensor decomposition can be essentially viewed as a global optimization problem. However with the knowledge of the algebraic information from the observed tensor, the method only requires $O(\log(\log \frac{1}{\epsilon}))$ iterations to reach a precision of $\epsilon$.
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    (2021) Zhou, Jiaqi; Ryzhov, Ilya; Mathematics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Stochastic modeling plays an important role in estimating potential outcomes where randomness or uncertainty is present. This type of modeling forecasts the probability distributions of potential outcomes by allowing for random variation in one or more inputs over time under different conditions. One of the classic topics of stochastic modeling is queueing theory.Hence, the first part of the dissertation is about a stylized queueing model motivated by paid express lanes on highways. There are two parallel, observable queues with finitely many servers: one queue has a faster service rate, but charges a fee to join, and the other is free but slow. Upon arrival, customers see the state of each queue and choose between them by comparing the respective disutility of time spent waiting, subject to random shocks. This framework encompasses both the multinomial logit and exponomial customer choice models. Using a fluid limit analysis, we give a detailed characterization of the equilibrium in this system. We show that social welfare is optimized when the express queue is exactly at (but not over) full capacity; however, in some cases, revenue is maximized by artificially cre- ating congestion in the free queue. The latter behaviour is caused by changes in the price elasticity of demand as the service capacity of the free queue fills up. The second part of the dissertation is about a new optimal experimental design for linear regression models with continuous covariates, where the expected response is interpreted as the value of the covariate vector, and an “error” occurs if a lower- valued vector is falsely identified as being better than a higher-valued one. Our design optimizes the rate at which the probability of error converges to zero using a large deviations theoretic characterization. This is the first large deviations-based optimal design for continuous decision spaces, and it turns out to be considerably simpler and easier to implement than designs that use discretization. We give a practicable sequential implementation and illustrate its empirical potential.
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    Stabilizing Column Generation via Dual Optimal Inequalities with Applications in Logistics and Robotics
    (2020) Haghani, Naveed; Balan, Radu; Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    This work addresses the challenge of stabilizing column generation (CG) via dual optimal inequalities (DOI). We present two novel classes of DOI for the general context of set cover problems. We refer to these as Smooth DOI (S-DOI) and Flexible DOI (F-DOI). S-DOI can be interpreted as allowing for the undercovering of items at the cost of overcovering others and incurring an objective penalty. SDOI leverage the fact that dual values associated with items should change smoothly over space. F-DOI can be interpreted as offering primal objective rewards for the overcovering of items. We combine these DOI to produce a joint class of DOI called Smooth-Flexible DOI (SF-DOI). We apply these DOI to three classical problems in logistics and operations research: the Single Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem, the Capacitated p-Median Problem, and the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. We prove that these DOI are valid and are guaranteed to not alter the optimal solution of CG. We also present techniques for their use in the case of solvingCG with relaxed column restrictions. This work also introduces a CG approach to Multi-Robot Routing (MRR). MRR considers the problem of routing a fleet of robots in a warehouse to collectively complete a set of tasks while prohibiting collisions. We present two distinct formulations that tackle unique problem variants. The first we model as a set packing problem, while the second we model as a set cover problem. We show that the pricing problem for both approaches amounts to an elementary resource constrained shortest path problem (ERCSPP); an NP-hard problem commonly studied in other CG problem contexts. We present an efficient implementation of our CG approach that radically reduces the state size of the ERCSPP. Finally, we present a novel heuristic algorithm for solving the ERCSPP and offer probabilistic guarantees forits likelihood to deliver the optimal solution.
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    Topics in Stochastic Optimization
    (2019) Sun, Guowei N/A; Fu, Michael C; Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    In this thesis, we work with three topics in stochastic optimization: ranking and selection (R&S), multi-armed bandits (MAB) and stochastic kriging (SK). For R&S, we first consider the problem of making inferences about all candidates based on samples drawn from one. Then we study the problem of designing efficient allocation algorithms for problems where the selection objective is more complex than the simple expectation of a random output. In MAB, we use the autoregressive process to capture possible temporal correlations in the unknown reward processes and study the effect of such correlations on the regret bounds of various bandit algorithms. Lastly, for SK, we design a procedure for dynamic experimental design for establishing a good global fit by efficiently allocating simulation budgets in the design space. The first two Chapters of the thesis work with variations of the R&S problem. In Chapter 1, we consider the problem of choosing the best design alternative under a small simulation budget, where making inferences about all alternatives from a single observation could enhance the probability of correct selection. We propose a new selection rule exploiting the relative similarity between pairs of alternatives and show its improvement on selection performance, evaluated by the Probability of Correct Selection, compared to selection based on collected sample averages. We illustrate the effectiveness by applying our selection index on simulated R\&S problems using two well-known budget allocation policies. In Chapter 2, we present two sequential allocation frameworks for selecting from a set of competing alternatives when the decision maker cares about more than just the simple expected rewards. The frameworks are built on general parametric reward distributions and assume the objective of selection, which we refer to as utility, can be expressed as a function of the governing reward distributional parameters. The first algorithm, which we call utility-based OCBA (UOCBA), uses the Delta-technique to find the asymptotic distribution of a utility estimator to establish the asymptotically optimal allocation by solving the corresponding constrained optimization problem. The second, which we refer to as utility-based value of information (UVoI) approach, is a variation of the Bayesian value of information (VoI) techniques for efficient learning of the utility. We establish the asymptotic optimality of both allocation policies and illustrate the performance of the two algorithms through numerical experiments. Chapter 3 considers the restless bandit problem where the rewards on the arms are stochastic processes with strong temporal correlations that can be characterized by the well-known stationary autoregressive-moving-average time series models. We argue that despite the statistical stationarity of the reward processes, a linear improvement in cumulative reward can be obtained by exploiting the temporal correlation, compared to policies that work under the independent reward assumption. We introduce the notion of temporal exploration-exploitation trade-off, where a policy has to balance between learning more recent information to track the evolution of all reward processes and utilizing currently available predictions to gain better immediate reward. We prove a regret lower bound characterized by the bandit problem complexity and correlation strength along the time index and propose policies that achieve a matching upper bound. Lastly, Chapter 4 proposes a fully sequential experimental design procedure for the stochastic kriging (SK) methodology of fitting unknown response surfaces from simulation experiments. The procedure first estimates the current SK model performance by jackknifing the existing data points. Then, an additional SK model is fitted on the jackknife error estimates to capture the landscape of the current SK model performance. Methodologies for balancing exploration and exploitation trade-off in Bayesian optimization are employed to select the next simulation point. Compared to existing experimental design procedures relying on the posterior uncertainty estimates from the fitted SK model for evaluating model performance, our method is robust to the SK model specifications. We design a dynamic allocation algorithm, which we call kriging-based dynamic stochastic kriging (KDSK), and illustrate its performance through two numerical experiments.