Urban and Regional Planning and Design Research Works

Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://hdl.handle.net/1903/26354


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
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    Planning by Transnational Institutions: Can Big Be Beautiful?
    (Planner's Network, 2010) Irazabal, Clara
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    ¿Reemplazar, discutir o recuperar la noción de barrio? Comentarios Finales
    (Universidad Católica del Maule, 2019) Irazabal, Clara
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    Espacio, revolución y resistencia: Lugares ordinarios y eventos extraordinarios en Caracas
    (Organización Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Centros Históricas, 2012) Irazabal, Clara; Foley, John
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    Immigration and Integration in Urban Communities: Renegotiating the City
    (Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg, 2010) Irazabal, Clara
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    Golden geese or white elephants? The paradoxes of world heritage sites and community-based tourism development in Agra, India
    (Taylor & Francis, 2011) Chakravarty, Surajit; Irazabal, Clara
    This study examines the relationship between World Heritage Sites (WHSs) and local community development in Agra, India. We investigate two interrelated themes: the role of planning in developing the tourism potential of the Taj Mahal and other WHSs in Agra, and the impact of the WHS framework on the development of the city. We analyze the weaknesses of the institutions and agencies responsible for Agra’s inability to convert the development potential created by its three WHSs into significant economic, community and infrastructure improvements. The Agra case reveals a set of developmental paradoxes, whereby the restructuring of the tourist industry induced by the designation of WHSs does not lead to proportionate advances in local community development. Several factors were found to be systemic problems, but some recent schemes are worth supporting and expanding. The paradoxes and potential of economic, tourism, and community development in Agra echo those of other developing localities which host WHSs around the world. Following an assessment of problems and challenges, a set of recommendations is directed toward the development of pro-poor, community-based heritage tourism with the aim of informing integrated planning for the community and for heritage and tourism resources in the future.
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    Beyond ‘Latino New Urbanism’: advocating ethnurbanisms
    (Taylor & Francis, 2012) Irazabal, Clara
    This paper discusses the notion of Latino New Urbanism (LNU) and reflects on the significance of ethnic-based reformulations of urban practices and living preferences in Los Angeles and the potential these have for the transformation of policy making and development practices in the region and beyond. Can LNU truly avoid the pitfalls of New Urbanism and represent a new way of conceiving urbanism – one that is explicit and inclusive in its ways of recognizing and addressing ethnoracial and class diversity? Can LNU instead be intentionally or unintentionally used to mask some structural social problems that Latina/os face in the US? All of this poses questions related to the assessment of LNU in the context of tensions between structure vs. agency, diluting vs. celebrating ethnoracial differences, and oppressive vs. liberating urban design and community-building practices. Based on those considerations, I offer an alternate notion of multiple and evolving ethnurbanisms.
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    Emerging issues in planning: ethno-racial intersections
    (Taylor & Francis, 2015) Gonzalez, Erualdo R.; Irazabal, Clara
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    Localizing Urban Design Traditions: Gated and Edge Cities in Curitiba
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019) Irazabal, Clara
    Gated communities and edge cities are new forms of space production and consumption that promote changes in the character of public space and citizens’ participation in public life. This study unveils the phenomena of their creation as a paradoxical attempt to return to community. Curitiba’s examples of gated communities and edge cities show that, despite being internationally showcased as a model of good planning and urban design, this metropolis has not been immune to the global capital pressures and urban design tendencies occurring in many urban areas throughout the world, thus signalling both the currency and trans-nationality of these issues.
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    Gating Tegucigalpa, Honduras: The Paradoxical Effects of "Safer Barrios"
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019-10-01) Handal, Cristina; Irazabal, Clara
    This paper analyzes the paradoxical political and socio-spatial dynamics created by “Safer Barrios,” a security program that redefines notions of citizenship, governance, participation, and space in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The rapid proliferation of street gates sanctioned by the state under this program is producing understudied effects both within and outside the gates throughout the city, a phenomenon that this study qualitatively analyzes. The findings reveal that these newly gated residential areas demand a more nuanced analysis than that which traditional gated communities have received in the past; this stems from their different constitution and consequences, particularly the program’s unique relationship to and sponsorship by the local government. The program paradoxically fosters a greater sense of community and safety for participants while negatively affecting mobility and sociability for the rest of city residents. The findings hold critical implications for city design, planning, and policy making.
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    The High-Rise and The Shack: Rhizomatic Collisions In Caracas’ Torre David
    (University of British Columbia, Okanagan, 2020) Irazabal, Clara; Sosa, Irene; Schlenker, Lee Evan
    A 45-story tower in Caracas formerly occupied by some 5,000 squatters, Torre David was touted by international media accounts as the world’s most spectacular “vertical slum.” This, among other sensationalized accounts, failed to consider the paradoxical ways in which Caracas’ formal and informal, urban and architectural trajectories literally collided with each other in Torre David. The modern high-rise and the self-built shack—antagonist spatial typologies in Caracas’ growth—were dramatically superposed in the tower, unleashing hitherto un(fore)seen dynamics. Through site fieldwork, interviews, film production, media analysis, and historical research, we offer a nuanced theorization of Torre David that grapples with its charged tensions between the formal and informal, modern and traditional, modernity and postmodernity, reality and imagination, and capitalism and socialism. We begin our investigation with a historical account of the tower’s construction, abandonment, and ultimate occupation. This is followed by a theoretical positioning of Torre David as a social and physical space ‘in-between’. Ultimately, we argue that these tensions created a rhizomatic socio-spatial field heavily pregnant with both risks and hopes for the people, the government, and the spatial disciplines.