Archaeology in Annapolis

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Archaeology in Annapolis was a city-wide excavation of Maryland’s capital city whose purpose was to recover and teach with the below ground remains of materials from the 1680’s to today. Archaeology in Annapolis is a part of the Department of Anthropology of the University of Maryland, College Park and has been, and in some cases remains, partners with Historic Annapolis Foundation, the Banneker-Douglass Museum, Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Foundation, and the City of Annapolis. The project was begun in 1981 and continues to work in the City and to excavate on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The project works to provide understanding of the many peoples who have made up the City in the past and present. Under the direction of Mark P. Leone, the organization has conducted over forty excavations in the historic area of Maryland’s capitol city as well as in Queen Anne and Talbot Counties on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, including Wye House Plantation. This collection includes archaeological site reports, technical reports, and dissertations produced by the project between 1985 and the present. Where possible, separate files for artifact catalogs have been provided.

A physical component of the collection is housed in the National Trust room of Hornbake Library on the University of Maryland campus. It contains copies of site reports, field notes, drawings, slides, contact sheets, photographs, historic research, oral history transcripts, artifact cataloging sheets, analytical notes, dissertations, scholarly and public papers, presentations, journal articles, administrative planning notes, correspondence, visitor evaluations, press releases, brochures, exhibition planning notes and grant proposals.

The Sites in this Collection Include:


Search Results

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    Calvert Interim Report 1: Preliminary Analysis of Features from Period 1 Associated with Posthole Building(s) at Calvert Site, Annapolis, Maryland
    (1986-12) Yentsch, Anne
    This is the first of a series of interim reports being prepared on the Calvert Site. As interim reports, their objects are twofold: (1) To provide detailed information, in preliminary form, on particular aspects of the analysis of material from the Calvert Site to staff members at Historic Annapolis, Inc. (including those who may not be familiar with the methods, theories, and findings of historical archaeology.) (2) To summarize what is known to date and hence to serve as planning documents for and, in some cases, preliminary manuscripts of chapters that will be included in the final report on the Calvert Site. This report summarizes what is known to date about the late 17th/early 18th century posthole features that were found. These are among the earliest evidence of construction that we have been able to identify in the archaeological record for the site and within the town as a whole; they may predate the c. 1690-1720 brick house, the first story front and side walls plus remnants of the back (east) wall of which still remain intact in the fabric of the present standing structure (ie., the Governor Calvert House Hotel). There are no extant remains of any posthole building(s) contained within the Governor Calvert House Hotel as these were dismantled in the 18th century. This posthole building(s) may have been built as early as 1680-90 or as late as c. 1710 as there is archaeological evidence of use of the site beginning c. 1680, but documentary research to date has not revealed the chain of ownership in the 17th century.
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    Final Report for National Endowment for the Humanities Grant No. RO-20600-83: Salvaging the Calvert House Site
    (1983-12) Yentsch, Anne
    The work funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities during the period February - July 1983 enabled emergency archaeology at the Calvert Site to be carried close to completion. The research contributed significantly to an understanding of the development of Annapolis in the colonial era. In fact, work at Calvert has proved critical to the humanistic objectives of the Annapolis Archaeology Project: understanding and assessing the impact of social and economic rank on the material remains of a colonial southern, urban center. The research was also influential in establishing an archaeologically, historically, and architecturally based preservation program. The work at Calvert helped awaken the Annapolis community to the potential that archaeological research possesses and increased the community's awareness of the many changes that the city has undergone through time. Research at Calvert was also successful in attracting private and public donations for further archaeological work in the city and, in fact, as one result of the emergency grant, Historic Annapolis has been given $27,500 in City funds to be used in preparing a city-wide plan for the preservation of below-ground historic resources. City ordinances with the same objective are also being developed. The developer, Historic Inns of Annapolis, plans construction at four additional sites in the city during the next 12-24 months and has incorporated plans to find and to preserve fragile archaeological resources into these four projects as well. Finally, the educational impact of the Calvert archaeology project on the public was immense and general public interest in the work and its findings was widespread .
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    Preliminary Report on the Bordley-Randall Site in Annapolis, Maryland
    (1988-10) Yentsch, Anne
    In the spring of 1988, Historic Annapolis, Inc., was given the opportunity to begin a limited testing program of the archaeological resources at 9 Randall Court, formerly the home of Mrs. van Weems and now the residence of Philip van Weems Dod. Of particular concern was evidence of earlier garden and landscape features and the presence of early 18th-century deposits. Funds were provided for 2 days of testing.
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    Draft Report on Testing at 18AP34: Patrick Creagh Site
    (1983) Yentsch, Anne
    Two days of minimal field testing (an a budget of $500) were carried out at the Patrick Creagh Site located at Prince George Street, Annapolis, Maryland on June 28-29, 1983 (see figures 1 and 2). Funding was provided by Historic Annapolis, Inc. under a grant from the City of Annapolis. Four test units were excavated to establish whether soil layers dating to the 18th century occupation of the house existed. The results of testing in each of these units is presented below together with a brief discussion of the site's eighteenth century occupants and its neighborhood.