Languages, Literatures, & Cultures Theses and Dissertations
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Item A Comparison of Irony in W.M. Thackeray and Thomas Mann (Until 1918)(1950) Mohr, William; Foreign Study; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, MD)In our comparison of the irony found in Mann and Thackeray we will first discuss irony in its more concrete aspects, ironic content and then ironic form. Further, and particularly in connection with Mann, we will speak about the nature and position of the artist. This topic is actually another aspect of ironic content, but it is such an important problem in Mann's early works that it deserves special consideration. And finally, we will return to Mann's metaphysical irony.Item DER HAUPTMANN VON KOEPENICK Wirklichkeit und Dichtung am Beispiel des Schauspiels von Carl Zuckmayer(1954) Werner, Sibylle B.; Zucker, Adolph E.; Languages, Literatures, & Cultures; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)Die deutsche Dramatik des 20. Jahrhunderts uebt gegenueber Gegenwartsstoffen sichtlich eine starke Zurueckhaltung aus. Zu den Urnachen, die hier ununtersucht bleiben koennen, gehoert gewiss die, dass die Dramatiker hier jene historische Distanz vermissen, die es ihnen ermoeglicht, eine Begebenheit aus dem Tagesgeschehen und aus dem nuechtemen Bereich der Wirklichkeit in einen zeitlosen Raum zu ruecken. Carl Zuckmayers Der Haupmann Koepenick ist zweifellos eines der bedeutendsten und dichterisch geschlossensten Schauspiele, das ein Ereignis unserer Zeit, naemlich des 20. Jahrhunderts, dramatisch gestaltet hat. Der Dichter gehoert der bisher letzten grossen deutschen Schriftstellergeneration an, die - im ausgehenden vorigen Jahrhundert geboren -- ein ihr Dasein bestinunendes Grunderlebnis im Trommelfeuer des Ersten Weltkrieges empfing. Er und Berthold Brecht, der sich ganz der marxistischen Ideologie verschrieben hat, sind heute die fuehrenden deutschen Dramatiker. Zuckmayer, der im Dritten Reich Deutschland verliess und vor mehr als einem Jahrzehnt amerikanischer Staatsbuerger wurde, wurde nach dem Kriege auf den deutschen Buehnen haeufiger aufgefuehrt, als irgend ein anderer lebender deutscher Autor. Wenn auch sein im Zweiten Weltkrieg spielendes Stueck Des Teufels General das deutsche Publikum der Nachkriegszeit staerlrnr erschuetterte, als seine uebrigen Dramen, so erscheint Der Hauptmann von Koepenick, den er ein deutsches Maerchen nennt, als am klarsten durchkomponiert und in der Verdichtung von Wirklichkeit und Fiktion kuenstlerisch am besten geglueckt. Die ausserordentliche Buehnenwirksamkeit dieses Werkes verhilft ihm auch nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zu staendigen Neuinszenierungen, die die unverminderte Frische dieses Schauspiels beweisen. So erscheint es nicht ohne Reiz, das alte Problem Wirklichkeit und Dichtung an diesem Stueck zu untersuchen. In den ersten grossen Abschnitt der Arbeit wird versucht werden, aus dem uns zur Verfuegung stehenden Material -- Zeitungen, die Erzaehlung Wilhelm Schaefers und die Selbstbiographie -- den Lebensweg des Schusters Wilhelm Voigt einschliesslich seiner Tat, die ihn beruehmt machte, und des Prozesses der durch die Presse gingen, darzustellen. Der zweite Abschnitt dient der Analyse von Zuclanayers Schauspiel. Hier werden wir weniger eine genaue und detaillierte Wiedergabe des Inhaltes bringen, als vielmehr an Hand der Handlung des Stueckes versuchen Dramaturgie und inneren Gehalt zu erklaeren. Weiter umfasst das Kapitel einige theatergeschichtliche Anmerkungen, die sich besonders mit der Wirkung und dem Erfolg des Stueckes und seines Helden beiseiner Urauffuehrung im Jahre 1931 beschaeftigen. Im dritten und letzten Hauptkapitel versucht die Verfasserin schliesslich Wirklichkeit und Dichtung des Stoffes auf einen gemeinsamen Nenner zu bringe. Besonderer Betonung liegt hier auf der Person Wilhelm Voigts, wie sie uns aus den historischen Quellen uebermittelt wurde, und wie Zuckmayer diese Gestalt umformte. Nach einer zusammenfassenden Schlussbetrachtung folgt dem Quellenverzeichnis ein kurzer Anhang, mit biographischen Notizen ueber den Autor Carl Zuckmayer, einer Quellenkritik sowie der Szenenfolge des Schauspiels und einer Reproduktion des Titelbildes der Selbstbiographie Voigts.Item The 1974 Bilingual Education Amendments: Revolution, Reaction or Reform(1976) Schneider, Susan Gilbert; Baird, Janet R.; Languages, Literatures, & Cultures; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)Purpose: The study examined in detail the legislative history of the 1974 Bilingual Education Act, Section 105 of the Education Amendments of 1974, Public Law 93-380. The study examined the roles of Representatives, Senators, lobbyists, judicial decisions, minority groups and Administration officials in developing the 1974 Bilingual Education Act.Item WILHELM WEITLING: HIS DOCTRINES AND AGITATION IN SWITZERLAND(1950) Flavin, Harold; Cunz, Dieter; Languages, Literatures, & Cultures; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)Item Social and Political Thought In The Early Narrative Of Rómula Gallegos(1961) Allen, R.F.; de Nemes, Graciela Palau; Languages, Literatures, & Cultures; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)This dissertation is a study of the essays and short stories written by Rómulo Gallegos in the early years of the twentieth century. It traces his social and political ideas which were set forth in his essays and transferred into the early narrative work of the author. The essays and short stories, presented chronologically according to their date of publication, represent his successive works. Gallegos' ideas derive from the corruption of his native Venezuela ruled by anarchy and dictatorship. Born in Caracas in 1884 under the dictatorial regime of Cipriano Castro, Gallegos first attracted a reading public in 1906 with his collection of essays published originally in the literary journal La Alborada. The essays, from the obscure files of this long dead periodical, constitute the symposium entitled Una posición en la vida, 1954. Showing the influence of nineteenth century European and Latin-American positivism, these essays set forth his fundamental social and political beliefs and reforms . Another dictator, Juan Vicente Gómez, put an end to this literary activity by closing the review. Gallegos then made his debut as a short story writer, publishing more than thirty stories in the literary periodicals entitled El Cojo Ilustrado, La Revista, Actualidades, and La Novela Semanal. In these stories, the patriotic preoccupations of the essays come to life. Eventually Gallegos became a novelist, establishing himself as a major writer of Spanish-American fiction. He is noted for his intention to effect reform and for his interest in the traditions and the national soul of the Venezuelan people. This dissertation shows the trends started in the essays, applied to the short stories, and developed to a larger scope in the novel.Item Wolfgang Borchert: A Representative of "Trümmerliteratur"?(1989) Hohenwarter, Jyl Marie; Frederiksen, Elke G.; Languages, Literatures, & Cultures; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)This investigation examines whether Wolfgang Borchert's short stories are representative of "Trümmerliteratur". By "Trümmerliteratur" I am referring to that short period in 20th century German Literature which was manifested by the causes and effects of World War II (1945-1947). Borchert's biographical data, the events leading to the emergence of "Trümmerliteratur" and a definition for and discussion of this literary phenomenon, and an analysis of four of Borchert's "Kurzgeschichten", ''Die Hundeblume", "Vier Soldaten", "Der Kaffee ist undefinierbar", and "Er hatte auch viel Ärger mit den Kriegen", are presented. Investigation includes as well an extensive bibliography.Item El Estilo Es Una De Las Formas De La Edad (Una Biografia De Martin Adan)(1992) Gargurevich, Eduardo; Mora, Jorge Aguilar; Spanish and Portuguese; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)This study deals with the life and major works of the contemporary Peruvian writer Martin Adan, the literary name of Rafael de la Fuente Benavides (Lima, 1908-1985). The methodological approach used in this dissertation combines socio-criticism, stylistic analysis, textual explications and biographical narrations in an attempt to constantly relate life and writing, under the assumption that life, in both its personal and social dimension, can be illuminated by a study of the writings. In order to provide a satisfactory explanation for Martin Adan's statement that entitles this dissertation (EI estilo es una de las formas de la edad), our text includes an Introduction and eight chapters. In the Introduction we discuss how this study was born and our understanding of Adan's statement as an invitation to consider writing and life an indissoluble unity. This understanding therefore justifies the different methodological approaches that the reader will find employed in the study. In the first chapter we confront the problem of the double identity of Rafael de la Fuente Benavides and Martin Adan. In this first chapter we narrate the origin of both identities, trying to relate the two and discovering that the artistic existence of Martin Adan relies precisely on the continuous searching for such a relation. From the second chapter on, the study begins dealing with Adan's works in a chronological way. Thus, chapter two deals with his first publications, while the final chapter deals with those books that appeared in the final moments of the artist's life. This chronological development has allowed us to observe how Adan's works relate to the different events of his life. At the same time, our extensive research concerning Adan's life, the different versions of his published works, as well as his original manuscripts exemplifies the analytic approach that best fits our main goal: to observe the development of a writing practice and a life. While the different chapters may be considered as offering eight different ways to read Martin Adan, it must not be forgotten that throughout the whole dissertation, what lends unity to this investigation is the relationship between writing and life. Style, in Martin Adan's case, reflects the different approaches he takes to confront his most recurrent obsessions. And this exactly is what Adan is constantly saying: style is one of the forms of age.Item "From Dragonfly to Butterfly": Nation, Identity and Culture in Postrevolutionary Mexico (1920-1940) as Reflected in Nellie Campobello's Dance and Narrative(1998) de la Calle, Sophie; Cypess, Sandra; Languages, Literatures and Cultures; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md)This dissertation explores the question of identity in dancer and writer Nellie Campobello (1900-?) in post-revolutionary Mexico. I examine the evolution of her dance, her narrative and her poetry in the light of important cultural and political changes. Because a principal element in this discussion is the formation of a strong national identity, I have decided to study its effects on both her dance and her literary works. Part 1 considers the role of the Nation-State in articulating the postwar-self together with the role of prominent intellectuals such as Jose Vasconcelos; his impact upon a new cultural and Mexican aesthetic in which myth ___ j and symbols such as the National Stadium played a decisive role in imagining the nation. Part 2 explores the dance in the context of the polemical and radical 30s when Nellie Campobello emerged as a representative of the new aesthetics in which the "masculine" as opposed to the "feminine" redefined the national identity. The II stadium dance" and the 11 soldadera" were seen as best expressions for revolution and socialism in the Cardenas era. The focus of part 3 is the cultural and aesthetic shift from the radical and the "masculine" to the conciliatory and the "feminine". With the help of influential fatherly figures such as Martin Luis Guzman, a past member of the Ateneo de la Juventud, Nellie Campobello adapted herself to his classical tradition. From this point on this study focuses on literary texts to discuss her contributions to questions of identity. In part 4 I examine the formation of identity in the context of the rebelious and iconoclastic thirties reflected in Campobello's early poetry. I then study Cartucho and its rejections of myth and its recuperation of the forgotten men and women of the Revolution. Part 5 returns to the ambivalent relationship between Campobello and Guzman, sponsor of Campobello's new image. Her strategic alliance with a prestigious figure of "criollo" culture in the late thirties would help reshape the "coarse" Cartucho into the "refined" and spiritual image of Las manos de mama. Consequently, part 6 examines the effects and the consequences of her metamorphosis from the rebelious and authentic to the ambivalent and more "domestic" image of the feminine redefined by national myths.