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    Potential Vegetation and Carbon Redistribution in Northern North America from Climate Change
    (MDPI, 2016-01-06) Flanagan, Steven A.; Hurtt, George C.; Fisk, Justin P.; Sahajpal, Ritvik; Hansen, Matthew C.; Dolan, Katelyn A.; Sullivan, Joe H.; Zhao, Maosheng
    There are strong relationships between climate and ecosystems. With the prospect of anthropogenic forcing accelerating climate change, there is a need to understand how terrestrial vegetation responds to this change as it influences the carbon balance. Previous studies have primarily addressed this question using empirically based models relating the observed pattern of vegetation and climate, together with scenarios of potential future climate change, to predict how vegetation may redistribute. Unlike previous studies, here we use an advanced mechanistic, individually based, ecosystem model to predict the terrestrial vegetation response from future climate change. The use of such a model opens up opportunities to test with remote sensing data, and the possibility of simulating the transient response to climate change over large domains. The model was first run with a current climatology at half-degree resolution and compared to remote sensing data on dominant plant functional types for northern North America for validation. Future climate data were then used as inputs to predict the equilibrium response of vegetation in terms of dominant plant functional type and carbon redistribution. At the domain scale, total forest cover changed by ~2% and total carbon storage increased by ~8% in response to climate change. These domain level changes were the result of much larger gross changes within the domain. Evergreen forest cover decreased 48% and deciduous forest cover increased 77%. The dominant plant functional type changed on 58% of the sites, while total carbon in deciduous vegetation increased 107% and evergreen vegetation decreased 31%. The percent of terrestrial carbon from deciduous and evergreen plant functional types changed from 27%/73% under current climate conditions, to 54%/46% under future climate conditions. These large predicted changes in vegetation and carbon in response to future climate change are comparable to previous empirically based estimates, and motivate the need for future development with this mechanistic model to estimate the transient response to future climate changes.
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    Potential Transient Response of Terrestrial Vegetation and Carbon in Northern North America from Climate Change
    (MDPI, 2019-09-18) Flanagan, Steven A.; Hurtt, George C.; Fisk, Justin P.; Sahajpal, Ritvik; Zhao, Maosheng; Dubayah, Ralph; Hansen, Matthew C.; Sullivan, Joe H.; Collatz, G. James
    Terrestrial ecosystems and their vegetation are linked to climate. With the potential of accelerated climate change from anthropogenic forcing, there is a need to further evaluate the transient response of ecosystems, their vegetation, and their influence on the carbon balance, to this change. The equilibrium response of ecosystems to climate change has been estimated in previous studies in global domains. However, research on the transient response of terrestrial vegetation to climate change is often limited to domains at the sub-continent scale. Estimation of the transient response of vegetation requires the use of mechanistic models to predict the consequences of competition, dispersal, landscape heterogeneity, disturbance, and other factors, where it becomes computationally prohibitive at scales larger than sub-continental. Here, we used a pseudo-spatial ecosystem model with a vegetation migration sub-model that reduced computational intensity and predicted the transient response of vegetation and carbon to climate change in northern North America. The ecosystem model was first run with a current climatology at half-degree resolution for 1000 years to establish current vegetation and carbon distribution. From that distribution, climate was changed to a future climatology and the ecosystem model run for an additional 2000 simulation years. A model experimental design with different combinations of vegetation dispersal rates, dispersal modes, and disturbance rates produced 18 potential change scenarios. Results indicated that potential redistribution of terrestrial vegetation from climate change was strongly impacted by dispersal rates, moderately affected by disturbance rates, and marginally impacted by dispersal mode. For carbon, the sensitivities were opposite. A potential transient net carbon sink greater than that predicted by the equilibrium response was estimated on time scales of decades–centuries, but diminished over longer time scales. Continued research should further explore the interactions between competition, dispersal, and disturbance, particularly in regards to vegetation redistribution.
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    Changing cropland in changing climates: quantifying two decades of global cropland changes
    (Institute of Physics, 2023-05-12) Kennedy, Jennifer; Hurtt, George C.; Liang, Xin-Zhong; Chini, Louise; Ma, Lei
    Climate change is impacting global crop productivity, and agricultural land suitability is predicted to significantly shift in the future. Responses to changing conditions and increasing yield variability can range from altered management strategies to outright land use conversions that may have significant environmental and socioeconomic ramifications. However, the extent to which agricultural land use changes in response to variations in climate is unclear at larger scales. Improved understanding of these dynamics is important since land use changes will have consequences not only for food security but also for ecosystem health, biodiversity, carbon storage, and regional and global climate. In this study, we combine land use products derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer with climate reanalysis data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis v5 to analyze correspondence between changes in cropland and changes in temperature and water availability from 2001 to 2018. While climate trends explained little of the variability in land cover changes, increasing temperature, extreme heat days, potential evaporation, and drought severity were associated with higher levels of cropland loss. These patterns were strongest in regions with more cropland change, and generally reflected underlying climate suitability—they were amplified in hotter and drier regions, and reversed direction in cooler and wetter regions. At national scales, climate response patterns varied significantly, reflecting the importance of socioeconomic, political, and geographic factors, as well as differences in adaptation strategies. This global-scale analysis does not attempt to explain local mechanisms of change but identifies climate-cropland patterns that exist in aggregate and may be hard to perceive at local scales. It is intended to supplement regional studies, providing further context for locally-observed phenomena and highlighting patterns that require further analysis.
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    An Evaluation of the Climate Change Preparedness of Terrestrial Protected Areas
    (2022-05-01) Panday, Frances Marie; Hurrt, George; Lamb, Rachel
    The rate at which the climate changes and the direction of these shifts is highly variable across the landscape. As proposed by Loarie et al. (2009), the concept of a climate change velocity (CV) adds a spatial component to the rate at which the temperature increases across the landscape. Identifying where regions will experience the most significant changes in climate conditions is highly valuable for the management of areas with high ecological and societal value, such as protected areas (PAs). To examine the relationship between climate velocity and protected areas, Loarie et al. (2009) proposes the concept of a climate residence time (CRT), which estimates the length of time current climate conditions will remain in a given spatial location before shifting. Current infrastructure design managing protected areas is outdated and may be ill-equipped to handle future changes in climate. Current work examining the relationship between protected area and the CV is relatively new, but results are promising. Here, we evaluate the climate-change preparedness of terrestrial protected areas in MD by first, quantifying the magnitude of future changes using the climate residence time, and second, evaluating their capacity to manage changes by qualitatively scoring their associated management plans for climate adaptation and/or mitigation language. This two-fold approach showed that most PAs have climate residence times less than or equal to 1.5 years and had plans with little to no language addressing climate change and its associated impacts. This suggests that PAs in MD are poorly prepared for future changes in climate. Given these results, including CVs and CRTs within PA management plans would improve a park’s adaptive capacity but also signal the need for a cross-coordinated management effort that transcends different management and governance scales.
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    Campus Forest Carbon Project Technical Guidance Document
    (2022-08-11) Panday, Frances Marie; Howerton, Michael; Kopp, Katelyn; Hurtt, George; Lamb, Rachel
    The technical guidance document was created for the Office of Sustainability to support the inclusion of forest carbon into UMD's Greenhouse Gas Inventory. This document outlines the Campus Forest Carbon's project role within UMD's climate action plan and the approach to calculating forest carbon dynamics on UMD managed and owned properties.