Physics Theses and Dissertations

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    Ultra-high impedance superconducting circuits
    (2023) Mencia, Raymond; Manucharyan, Vladimir E; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    Chains of Josephson junctions are known to produce some of the largest kinetic per unit-length inductance, which can exceed the conventional geometric one by about 104. However, the maximum total inductance is still limited by the stray capacitance of the chain, which results in parasitic self-resonances. This stray capacitance is unnecessarily large in most circuits due to the high dielectric constant of silicon or sapphire substrates used. Here, we explore a regime of ultra-high impedance superconducting circuits by introducing the technique of releasing the Josephson chain off the substrate. The ultra-high impedance regime (Z > 4xRQ ~ 25.8 kOhms) is realized by combining a maximal per-unit-length inductance with a minimal stray capacitance and demonstrating the highest impedance electromagnetic structures available today. We begin with suspended “telegraph” transmission lines, composed of 30,000+ junctions, and show that the wave impedance can exceed 5 x RQ (33 kOhms) while the line still maintains a negligible DC resistance. To quantify the effects of parasitic chain modes in ultra-high impedance circuits, we use high-inductance fluxonium qubits. We show that chain modes are ultra-strongly coupled to the qubit but can be moved to a higher frequency with the Josephson chain releasing technique. Finally, we create a superconducting quasicharge qubit (blochnium), dual of transmon, whose impedance reaches over 30 x RQ (200 kOhms) with no evidence of parasitic modes below 10 GHz. This qubit completes the periodic table of superconducting atoms and demonstrates the dual nature of a small Josephson junction in ultra-high impedance circuits, which we probe in a DC experiment in the final chapter.
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    Coherent Control of Low Anharmonicity Systems for Superconducting Quantum Computing
    (2018) Premaratne, Shavindra Priyanath; Wellstood, Frederick C; Palmer, Benjamin S; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    This dissertation describes research to coherently control quantum states of superconducting devices. In the first project, the state of an 8 GHz 3D superconducting Al cavity at 20mK was manipulated to add a quantum of excitation. Preparing a harmonic resonator in a state with a well-defined number of excitations (Fock states) is not possible using one external classical drive. I generated Fock states by transferring a single excitation from a 5.5 GHz transmon qubit to a cavity using Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage (STIRAP). I also extended the STIRAP technique to put the cavity in higher Fock states, superpositions of Fock states, and Bell states between the qubit and the cavity. Master-equation simulations of the system’s density matrix were in good agreement with the data, and I obtained estimated fidelities of 89%, 68% and 43% for the first three Fock states, respectively. The second project involved implementing an entangling gate between two Al/AlOx/Al transmon qubits that were mounted in an Al cavity and cooled to 20mK. Pertinent system frequencies were as follows: one qubit was at 6.0 GHz, the other qubit at 6.8 GHz, the cavity at 7.7 GHz, and the qubit-qubit dispersive shift was -1MHz. By applying a specially-shaped pulse of duration tg = 907ns, I implemented a generalized CNOT gate using an all-microwave technique known as Speeding up Waveforms by Inducing Phases to Harmful Transitions (SWIPHT). Using quantum process tomography, I found that the gate fidelity was 80%–82%, close to the 87% fidelity expected from decoherence in the transmons during the gate time. Details of the device fabrication, device characterization, measurement techniques, and extensive modeling of device behavior are presented, along with chi-matrix characterization of single-qubit gates and SWIPHT gates.
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    Transmon qubits coupled to superconducting lumped element resonators
    (2015) Suri, Baladitya; Wellstood, Frederick C.; Palmer, Benjamin S.; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    I discuss the design, fabrication and measurement at millikelvin-temperatures of Al/AlO$_x$/Al Josephson junction-based transmon qubits coupled to superconducting thin-film lumped element microwave resonators made of aluminum on sapphire. The resonators had a center frequency of around $6\,$GHz, and a total quality factor ranging from 15,000 to 70,000 for the various devices. The area of the transmon junctions was about $150\, \mathrm{nm} \times 150\, \mathrm{nm}$ and with Josephson energy $E_J$ such that $10\,\text{GHz} \leq E_J / h \leq 30\,$GHz. The charging energy of the transmons arising mostly from the large interdigital shunt capacitance, was $E_c / h \approx 300\,$MHz. I present microwave spectroscopy of the devices in the strongly dispersive regime of circuit quantum electrodynamics. In this limit the ac Stark shift due to a single photon in the resonator is greater than the linewidth of the qubit transition. When the resonator is driven coherently using a coupler tone, the transmon spectrum reveals individual ``photon number'' peaks, each corresponding to a single additional photon in the resonator. Using a weighted average of the peak heights in the qubit spectrum, I calculated the average number of photons $\bar{n}$ in the resonator. I also observed a nonlinear variation of $\bar{n}$ with the applied power of the coupler tone $P_{rf}$. I studied this nonlinearity using numerical simulations and found good qualitative agreement with data. In the absence of a coherent drive on the resonator, a thermal population of $5.474\,$GHz photons in the resonator, at an effective temperature of $120\,$mK resulted in a weak $n=1$ thermal photon peak in the qubit spectrum. In the presence of independent coupler and probe tones, the $n=1$ thermal photon peak revealed an Autler-Townes splitting. The observed effect was explained accurately using the four lowest levels of the dispersively dressed Jaynes-Cummings transmon-resonator system, and numerical simulations of the steady-state master equation for the coupled system. I also present time-domain measurements on transmons coupled to lumped-element resonators. From $T_1$ and Rabi oscillation measurements, I found that my early transmon devices (called design LEv5) had lifetimes ($T_1 \sim 1\,\mu$s) limited by strong coupling to the $50\,\Omega$ transmission line. This coupling was characterized by the the rate of change of the Rabi oscillation frequency with the change in the drive voltage ($\mathrm{d}f_{Rabi}\, / \mathrm{d}V$) -- also termed the Rabi coupling to the drive. I studied the design of the transmon-resonator system using circuit analysis and microwave simulations with the aim being to reduce the Rabi coupling to the drive. By increasing the resonance frequency of the resonator $\omega_r/2\pi$ from 5.4$\,$GHz to 7.2$\,$GHz, lowering the coupling of the resonator to the transmission line and thereby increasing the external quality factor $Q_e$ from 20,000 to 70,000, and reducing the transmon-resonator coupling $g/2\pi$ from 70$\,$MHz to 40$\,$MHz, I reduced the Rabi coupling to the drive by an order of magnitude ($\sim$ factor of 20). The $T_1 \sim 4\,\mu$s of devices in the new design (LEv6) was longer than that of the early devices, but still much shorter than the lifetimes predicted from Rabi coupling, suggesting the presence of alternative sources of noise causing qubit relaxation. Microwave simulations and circuit analysis in the presence of a dielectric loss tangent $\tan \delta \simeq 5\times10^{-6}$ agree reasonably well with the measured $T_1$ values, suggesting that surface dielectric loss may be causing relaxation of transmons in the new designs.
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    (2014) Sarabi, Bahman; Wellstood, Frederick C; Osborn, Kevin D; Physics; Digital Repository at the University of Maryland; University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
    In this dissertation, I introduce a novel method for measuring individual nanoscale two-level systems (TLSs) in amorphous solids based on strong direct coupling between a TLS and a cavity. I describe power- and temperature-dependent analysis of individual TLSs using a theoretical model based on cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED). This method allows for measuring individual TLSs in different insulators and over a wide range of film thicknesses. For a silicon nitride film at 25 mK and a lumped-element cavity resonance at 6.9 GHz, I find TLSs with coherence times on the order of microseconds which can potentially be used as coherent resources. Furthermore, I introduce a device which enables spectroscopy of TLSs in insulating films by DC-tuning the TLSs. I present measurement results on 60 TLSs accompanied by theoretical analysis and extraction of distribution statistics of the TLS parameters. I find evidence for at least two TLS dipole sizes. I also investigate the role of RF-induced DC bias voltage on the growth of titanium nitride films on silicon (100) substrates deposited by DC magnetron reactive sputtering. I present hybrid designs of TiN coplanar resonators which were fabricated with an aluminum transmission line to avoid impedance mismatches due to large kinetic inductance of TiN films. I observe remarkably large kinetic inductance at certain substrate DC bias voltages. Finally, I describe several trilayer resonators designed to measure TLS ensembles within atomic layer deposition (ALD) grown aluminum oxide. Each resonator is unique in trilayer capacitor perimeter and hence the alumina air-exposed cross section. I compare the measured loss tangents of the resonators and investigate the effect of the capacitor perimeter on TLS defect density at different temperatures.