Stormwater Green Infrastructure Climate Resilience In Chesapeake Bay Urban Watersheds

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Stormwater green infrastructure (GI) practices (e.g. bioretention, green roofs) are implemented to reduce stormwater runoff and pollution in urban watersheds. However, current implementation and design is based on historic and current climate. As a result, current implementation may not be sufficient to meet runoff and water quality goals under future climate conditions. This study conducted 1) a review of previous assessments of stormwater GI climate resilience, and 2) a SWAT modeling study of two case study watersheds (one with stormwater GI and one with traditional stormwater management) in Clarksburg, Maryland. Results from both the literature review and modeling study indicate the stormwater GI can help adapt urban watersheds to climate change. Results from the modeling study indicate that stormwater GI is resilient to changes in climate, but that there may be seasonal increases in fall and winter runoff.

