Health Care Proposals of the 2008 Democratic and Republican Presidential Nominees: Implications for Improving Acc ess, Affordability and Quality for America’s Minorities

dc.contributor.authorAndrulis, Dennis P.
dc.contributor.authorSmith, David B.
dc.contributor.authorSiddiqui, Nadia J.
dc.contributor.authorDuchon, Lisa
dc.description.abstractIn this election year, affordable health care is among the top issues for voters. Recognizing the need for action, the Republican and Democratic nominees have made health care reform a centerpiece of their respective presidential platforms. Each believes his approach will work best to expand health insurance coverage, reduce costs and improve quality for the world’s most costly health care system. Of greatest concern are the 47 million Americans without health insurance—half of whom are minorities. As the U.S. grows more racially and ethnically diverse, so, too, does the significance of disparities in chronic disease rates, shorter life spans and access to affordable, high quality health care. High uninsured rates and racial/ethnic disparities are the primary reasons why the United States lags behind the world’s most developed countries on most indicators of health status.
dc.identifier.citationAndrulis, Dennis P. and Smith, David B. and Siddiqui, Nadia J. and Duchon, Lisa (2008) Health Care Proposals of the 2008 Democratic and Republican Presidential Nominees: Implications for Improving Acc ess, Affordability and Quality for America’s Minorities. Project Report. Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Washington, DC.
dc.identifier.otherEprint ID 1164
dc.publisherJoint Center for Political and Economic Studies
dc.subjectHealth Equity
dc.subjectaffordable health care
dc.subjecthealth care reform
dc.subjecthealth insurance coverage
dc.subjectchronic disease rates
dc.subjectracial/ethnic disparities
dc.titleHealth Care Proposals of the 2008 Democratic and Republican Presidential Nominees: Implications for Improving Acc ess, Affordability and Quality for America’s Minorities
dc.typeTechnical Report
