Supply Chain Simulation Models for Evaluating the Impact of Rescheduling Frequencies

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Supply chain simulation is a very useful tool in the decision making process either for implementing a new supply chain or for making changes to an existing one. The effort required in building supply chain simulation models can be reduced to a great extent by building modules that can be put together to represent the activities of the supply chain. In this work, supply chain simulation templates have been developed based on Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model proposed by the Supply Chain Council. The templates have been built by integrating Arena with Microsoft Excel using Visual Basic.

Another objective of the work is to analyze the effect of rescheduling frequency on the performance of the supply chain. Order release decisions control the flow of work in a supply chain system. The frequency of these activities and the coordination between various activities in the supply chain has a significant influence on the performance. Three such activities are considered: sourcing of raw materials from the supplier, releasing of orders for production, and releasing of orders for delivery. The models for analyzing the performance of supply chains have been built using the templates developed.

