Science information literacy and the role of academic librarians

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Baykoucheva, S. (2015). Science information literacy and the role of academic librarians. In: Managing Scientific Information and Research Data (pp. 43-63): Chandos Publishing.


Teaching information literacy is a major responsibility for subject/liaison librarians, but advances in information-retrieval systems, such as improved natural language searching and Semantic Web, could significantly change the role librarians play in this area. This chapter examines the future of information literacy and how librarians could redefine their role by expanding it to include management of scientific information and research data, different instruction formats, and new approaches for assessing student learning. This will make library instruction a much more appealing, engaging, and useful experience for students and researchers. Responding to the needs of a generation born into a digital culture will require that librarians learn new skills and play new roles in supporting the educational and research goals of their institutions be redefined.

