Host resistance reverses the outcome of competition between microparasites

dc.contributor.authorGruner, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorKolekar, Arunima
dc.contributor.authorMcLaughlin, John
dc.contributor.authorStrong, Donald
dc.description.abstractPredators and parasites can control the abundance or biomass of herbivores with indirect effects on producer communities and ecosystems, but the interplay of multiple natural enemies may yield unexpected dynamics. We experimentally examined interactions between two microparasites (entomopathogenic nematodes) isolated from sandy grassland soils of coastal California: Heterorhabditis marelatus (Heterorhabditidae) and Steinernema feltiae (Steinernematidae). Heterorhabditis marelatus drives trophic cascades by attacking root- and stem-boring ghost moth caterpillars (Hepialus californicus, Hepialidae), thereby indirectly protecting bush lupine shrubs (Lupinus arboreus, Fabaceae). Extensive field surveys demonstrated sympatric overlap in microhabitat use under lupine canopies and similar mean prevalence of the two nematode species. Using a response-surface design in the laboratory, we varied relative and absolute microparasite densities to test for competitive outcomes within an evolutionary naı¨ve host, larvae of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella (Pyralidae), and within the native host Hepialus californicus. Independent of conspecific or interspecific density, S. feltiae dominated as expected over H. marelatus within the naı¨ve Galleria, but S. feltiae infected hosts at low frequency and showed lower reproductive fitness than H. marelatus within native Hepialus hosts. Contrary to studies that demonstrate the pairwise dominance of steinernematid over heterorhabditid species in laboratory hosts, host resistance to S. feltiae may provide a mechanism for coexistence of multiple microparasite species. We hypothesize that the ubiquitous field prevalence and rapid life history of S. feltiae imply its use of widespread, abundant but small-bodied hosts and indicate the lack of direct competition with H. marelatus in the Hepialus–Lupinus trophic cascade.en
dc.format.extent924197 bytes
dc.identifier.citationGruner, D. S., A. Kolekar, J. P. McLaughlin, and D. R. Strong. 2009. Host resistance reverses the outcome of competition between microparasites. Ecology 90:1721-1728en
dc.publisherEcological Society of Americaen
dc.relation.isAvailableAtDigital Repository at the University of Marylanden_us
dc.relation.isAvailableAtCollege of Chemical & Life Sciencesen_us
dc.relation.isAvailableAtUniversity of Maryland (College Park, MD)en_us
dc.subjectBodega Marine Laboratory, Californiaen
dc.subjectentomopathogenic nematodesen
dc.subjectGalleria mellonellaen
dc.subjectHepialus californicusen
dc.subjectHeterorhabditis and Steinernemaen
dc.subjectintraspecific and interspecific competitionen
dc.subjectpredator–prey interactionsen
dc.subjecttrophic cascadeen
dc.titleHost resistance reverses the outcome of competition between microparasitesen


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