Development of a Transfer Function for Maximum Oxygen Deficit in Exercise While Wearing a Respiratory Protective Mask

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Successful innovation of respirator masks depends on accurate models of exercise performance during respirator wear. Any valid model must include oxygen deficit (OD), which is a vital indicator of the physiological changes that occur during the transition from rest to exercise. OD represents anaerobic metabolism and is related to performance time.

The goal of this research was to model the effect of a respirator on oxygen deficit. The following objectives were thereafter studied: (1) use experimental exercise data to calculate OD with a respirator; (2) determine the maximum OD and corresponding standard deviation values; and (3) develop a transfer function that accurately predicts OD in exercise while wearing a respirator.

The study results indicated that oxygen deficit was significantly affected by exercise intensity and performance time; at 85% maximal capacity, respirator wear was not a significant factor affecting OD. Notably, the transfer function developed will serve a valuable predictive purpose.

