A Macroscale Perspective of Near-equilibrium Relaxation of Stepped Crystal Surfaces
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Crystal surfaces serve a crucial function as building blocks in small
electronic devices, especially for mobile communications technology and
photovoltaics. In the history of computing, for example, a crucial
innovation that hastened the demise of vacuum tube computers was the
etching of patterns on surfaces of semiconductor materials, which led to
the integrated circuit. These early procedures typically worked with
the materials at very high temperatures, where the thermally rough
surface could be modeled from the perspective of continuum
thermodynamics. More recently, with the drive towards smaller devices and
the accompanying reduction of the lifetime of surface features,
manufacturing conditions for the shaping of crystal surfaces have shifted to
lower temperatures. At these lower temperatures the surface is no longer
rough. In order to describe an evolving surface under typical experimental
conditions today, we need to consider the processes that take place at the
Nanoscale descriptions of surface evolution start with the motion of
adsorbed atoms (adatoms). Because of their large numbers, the
concentration of adatoms is a meaningful object to study. Restricted to
certain bounded regions of the surface, the adatom concentration
satisfies a diffusion equation. At the boundaries between these
regions, the hopping of adatoms is governed by kinetic laws. Real-time
observation of these nanoscale processes is difficult to achieve, and
experimentalists have had to devise creative methods for inferring the
relevant energy barriers and kinetic rates. In contrast, the real-time
observation of macroscale surface evolution can be achieved with simpler
imaging techniques. Motivated by the possibility of experimental
validation, we derive an equation for the macroscale surface height,
which is consistent with the motion of adatoms. We hope to inspire future
comparison with experiments by reporting the novel results of simulating the
evolution of the macroscale surface height.
Many competing models have been proposed for the diffusion and kinetics
of adatoms. Due to the difficulty of observing adatom motion at the
nanoscale, few of the competing models can be dismissed outright for
failure to capture the observed behavior. This dissertation takes a few
of the nanoscale models and systematically derives the corresponding
macroscopic evolution laws, of which some are implemented numerically to
provide data sets for connection with experiments. For the modeling
component of this thesis, I study the effect of anisotropic adatom diffusion
at the nanoscale, the inclusion of an applied electric field, the desorption
of adatoms, and the extension of linear kinetics in the presence of step
permeability. Analytical conjectures based on the macroscale evolution
equation are presented. For the numerical component of this thesis, I
select a few representative simulations using the finite element method to
illustrate the most salient features of the surface evolution.