Missile Defense, Extended Deterrence, and Nonproliferation in the 21st Century

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Nate Frierson, Nilsu Goren, Ari Kattan, Catherine Kelleher, Joshua Pollack, Jaganath Sankaran, Naoko Aoki, "Missile Defense, Extended Deterrence, and Nonproliferation in the 21st Century," CISSM Collection of Papers, January 2017.


The following papers were commissioned as part of the Missile Defense, Extended Deterrence, and Nonproliferation in the 21st Century project supported by the Project on Advanced Systems and Concepts for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (PASCC). The papers have two general purposes: 1) to create a body of work that provides an overview of the missile defense developments in major regions of the world; and 2) to provide emerging scholars the opportunity to conduct research, publish, and connect with each other. We believe we have succeeded on both counts. The papers written for this project will be valuable for academics and policymakers alike, and will be published and disseminated by the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland. This element of the project has also been successful in further bringing together a new cadre of experts in the field and developing the next generation of academics and public servants who will benefit from their participation in this project. These papers were completed in the Fall of 2016.

