Towards a Classification of Almost Complex and Spin^h Manifolds

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We show that all homotopy CP^ns, smooth closed manifolds with the oriented homotopy type of CP^n, admit almost complex structures for 3 ≤ n ≤ 6, and classify these structures by their Chern classes for n=4, 6. Our methods provide a new proof of a result of Libgober and Wood on the classification of almost complex structures on homotopy CP^4s. We also show that all homotopy RP^(2k+1)s admit stably almost complex structures.

Spin^h manifolds are the quaternionic analogue to spin^c manifolds. At the prime 2 we compute the spin^h bordism groups by proving a structure theorem for the cohomology of the spin^h bordism spectrum MSpin^h as a module over the mod 2 Steenrod algebra. This provides a 2-local splitting of MSpin^h as a wedge sum of familiar spectra. We also compute the decomposition of H^*(MSpin^h; Z/2Z) explicitly in degrees up through 30 via a counting process.

