Large Eddy Simulation of Fire Extinction Phenomena

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The simulation of fire phenomena using classical Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods has made remarkable progress in the past 20 years. However, the occurrence of flame extinction is still a challenge for combustion modeling in general, and for fire modeling in particular. The study is performed using FireFOAM; FireFOAM is an advanced Large Eddy Simulation (LES) fire modeling software developed by FM Global and is based on a general-purpose open-source software called OpenFOAM. A new flame extinction model based on the concept of a critical value of the flame Damk ̈ohler number is incorporated into FireFOAM. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the ability of CFD-based fire models to simulate the effects of flame extinction in two different configurations (under-ventilated compartment fire and turbulent line fire in controlled co-flow, i.e. nitrogen or water-mist). Comparisons between experimental data and numerical results provide a suitable test bed to evaluate the ability of CFD-based fire models to describe the transition from extinction-free conditions to conditions in which the flame experiences partial or total quenching.

