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Majorana zero modes are emergent zero-energy quasiparticle excitations in certain superconducting
systems that can be viewed as fractionalized or “half” electrons. These
quasiparticles obey non-Abelian braiding statistics which is one manifestation of such
half-electron character. Due to such non-Abelian braiding property, Majorana zero
mode pairs hold promise as potential qubits for topological quantum computation.
It is somewhat surprising that, at least theoretically, ordinary one-dimensional semiconductor
systems can be induced to host such esoteric Majorana modes as edge states
if some precise experimental conditions are satisfied. Because of the relative simplicity
of material and experimental requirements to host Majorana modes, there has been a
flurry of experimental effort to realize them in semiconductor nanowire systems. While
experimental efforts have produced preliminary evidence for the presence of Majorana
zero modes in these systems, a thorough confirmation is lacking. The experimental signature
in question is the presence of a zero-bias conductance-peak that, while necessary,
is not a sufficient criterion to establish the presence of underlying Majorana modes. Given the importance of Majorana braiding for topological quantum computation and skepticism
over the presence of Majorana modes in these experimental systems, it would seem
natural to attempt braiding these putative Majorana modes in the near future. In that
case, an observation of non-Abelian statistics would provide the necessary and sufficient
condition in favor of Majorana presence in the studied experimental systems.
This thesis has three distinct parts. First, we assume perfect Majorana modes as
given that can be successfully braided. In this case, we calculate the diabatic error due
to the finite speed of braiding when the system is coupled to a Bosonic bath. Next, we
grant that the mechanism for zero-bias conductance-peak is indeed topological, albeit
the underlying Majorana modes may be imperfect (the modes are not precisely at zero
energy). We study the interplay of dissipation and finite energy splitting of the Majorana
modes and study its consequence regarding the probability of successful braiding.
Lastly, we propose studying the correlation between independent left and right conductance
measurements as a means to distinguish between a topological versus a non-topological
the mechanism underlying the observed zero-bias conductance-peak.