A Monetary Base Analysis and Control Model for Turkey

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A monetary base analysis and control model is the focus of the paper. In the first chapter, the monetary base approach is presented and the links between monetary base, money supply and money income are shown. Further, the monetary policy problems of the developing countries are reviewed. The second chapter describes the institutional framework for Turkey. Here, as background information, the Central Bank, the Treasury and the State Economic Enterprises are examined from a monetary policy viewpoint. Also the stability of prices, the credit system, interest rates, money and security markets and foreign sector developments in recent decades are summarized. In the third chapter, the model which highlights the essentials of monetary base control is constituted. Here, the "direct" control of reserve money sources is suggested, and given the exogenously determined components of reserve money sources, the limits on the range of deliberate Central Bank-Treasury asset changes, through exchange rate, rediscount rate, open market interventions, etc., are estimated. The recommended use of the policy variable defined is explained in the last chapter.

