Global evaluation of taxonomic relationships and admixture within the Culex pipiens complex of mosquitoes

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Aardema, M.L., vonHoldt, B.M., Fritz, M.L. et al. Global evaluation of taxonomic relationships and admixture within the Culex pipiens complex of mosquitoes. Parasites Vectors 13, 8 (2020).


Within the Culex pipiens mosquito complex, there are six contemporarily recognized taxa: Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx. pipiens f. pipiens, Cx. pipiens f. molestus, Cx. pipiens pallens, Cx. australicus and Cx. globocoxitus. Many phylogenetic aspects within this complex have eluded resolution, such as the relationship of the two Australian endemic taxa to the other four members, as well as the evolutionary origins and taxonomic status of Cx. pipiens pallens and Cx. pipiens f. molestus. Ultimately, insights into lineage relationships within the complex will facilitate a better understanding of differential disease transmission by these mosquitoes. To this end, we have combined publicly available data with our own sequencing efforts to examine these questions.

