Tableau formulas for skew Schubert polynomials

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Tamvakis, H. (2023), Tableau formulas for skew Schubert polynomials. Bull. London Math. Soc., 55: 1926-1943.


The skew Schubert polynomials are those that are indexed by skew elements of the Weyl group, in the sense of Tamvakis [J. reine angew. Math. 652 (2011), 207–244]. We obtain tableau formulas for the double versions of these polynomials in all four classical Lie types, where the tableaux used are fillings of the associated skew Young diagram. These are the first such theorems for symplectic and orthogonal Schubert polynomials, even in the single case. We also deduce tableau formulas for double Schur, double theta, and double eta polynomials, in their specializations as double Grassmannian Schubert polynomials. The latter results generalize the tableau formulas for symmetric (and single) Schubert polynomials due to Littlewood (in type A) and the author (in types B, C, and D).

