Radiative Plasmas in Pulsar Magnetospheres
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Pulsars are highly magnetized rotating neutron stars known for their periodic bursts of radio emission. Decades of astronomical observations revealed that pulsars produce non-thermal radiation in all energy bands, from radio to gamma rays, covering more than 20 decades in photon energy. Modern theories consider strongly magnetized relativistic electron-positron plasmas to be the source of the observed emission. In my Thesis, I investigate physical processes that can be responsible for plasma production and the observed high-energy emission in the wide range of photon energies, from eV to TeV.
In the first Chapter of my Thesis, I investigate relativistic magnetic reconnection with strong synchrotron cooling using three-dimensional particle-in-cell kinetic plasma simulations. I characterize the spectrum of accelerated particles and emitted synchrotron photons for varying strengths of synchrotron cooling. I show that the cutoff energy of the synchrotron spectrum can significantly exceed the theoretical limit of 16 MeV if the plasma magnetization parameter exceeds the radiation reaction limit. Additionally, I demonstrate that a small fraction of ions present in the current sheet can be accelerated to the highest energies, making relativistic radiative reconnection a promising mechanism for the acceleration of high-energy cosmic rays.
In the second Chapter, I present the first multi-dimensional simulations of the QED pair production discharge that occurs in the polar region of the neutron star. This process is believed to be the primary source of the pair plasma in pulsar magnetospheres and also the source of the radio emission. In this work, I focus on the self-consistently emerging synchronization of the discharges in different parts of the polar region. I find that pair discharges on neighboring magnetic field lines synchronize on a scale comparable to the height of the pair production region. I also demonstrate that the popular “spark” model of pair discharges is incompatible with the universally adopted force-free magnetospheric model: intermittent discharges fill the entire polar region that allows pair production, leaving no space for discharge-free regions. My findings disprove the key assumption of the spark model about the existence of distinct discharge columns.
In the third Chapter, I demonstrate how the key findings of two previous chapters can provide a self-consistent explanation of the recently discovered very-high-energy, reaching 20TeV, pulsed emission in Vela pulsar. Motivated by the results of recent global simulations of pulsar magnetospheres, I propose that this radiation is produced in the magnetospheric current sheet undergoing radiative relativistic reconnection. I show that high-energy synchrotron photons emitted by reconnection-accelerated particles efficiently produce electron-positron pairs. The density of secondary pairs exceeds the supply from the polar cap and results in a self-regulated plasma magnetization parameter of $\sim 10^7$. Electrons and positrons accelerate to Lorentz factors comparable to $\sim 10^7$ and emit the observed GeV radiation via the synchrotron process and ~10 TeV photons by Compton scattering of the soft synchrotron photons emitted by secondary pairs. My model self-consistently accounts for the ratio of the gamma-ray and TeV luminosities.