Connectivity and Data Transmission over Wireless Mobile Systems

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We live in a world where wireless connectivity is pervasive and becomes ubiquitous. Numerous devices with varying capabilities and multiple interfaces are surrounding us. Most home users use Wi-Fi routers, whereas a large portion of human inhabited land is covered by cellular networks. As the number of these devices, and the services they provide, increase, our needs in bandwidth and interoperability are also augmented. Although deploying additional infrastructure and future protocols may alleviate these problems, efficient use of the available resources is important.

We are interested in the problem of identifying the properties of a system able to operate using multiple interfaces, take advantage of user locations, identify the users that should be involved in the routing, and setup a mechanism for information dissemination. The challenges we need to overcome arise from network complexity and heterogeneousness, as well as the fact that they have no single owner or manager.

In this thesis I focus on two cases, namely that of utilizing "in-situ" WiFi Access Points to enhance the connections of mobile users, and that of establishing "Virtual Access Points" in locations where there is no fixed roadside equipment available. Both environments have attracted interest for numerous related works. In the first case the main effort is to take advantage of the available bandwidth, while in the second to provide delay tolerant connectivity, possibly in the face of disasters. Our main contribution is to utilize a database to store user locations in the system, and to provide ways to use that information to improve system effectiveness. This feature allows our system to remain effective in specific scenarios and tests, where other approaches fail.

