Managing Cover Crops for Better N Efficiency and Soil Health

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Winter cover cropping is a major tool that agriculture can use to protect soil and water quality and mitigate climate change. Unlike farmland in the world at large, most Maryland cropland has seen little tillage disturbance and some level of cover cropping for decades. With that background, field experiments on two soils with contrasting textures at the Beltsville Facility of Central Maryland Research and Education Center tested the effects of cover crop management enhancements on nitrogen (N) leaching, soil health indicators, and cover crop N uptake over three years. Two cover crops (sole rye and a mixture of forage radish, crimson clover, and rye) were compared to a control where cover cropping was ceased. The cash crops were corn and soybean grown in rotation. With best nutrient management practices applied, suction lysimeter sampling at 90 cm depth from October through April showed low levels of N leaching in general, but NO3-N concentrations were significantly lower under cover crops. Overall mean concentrations of NO3-N were 2.20 mg N/L in the control but 0.43 mg N/L under cover crops. Additionally, soil water samples were digested to determine dissolved organic N (DON) which was found to make up between 44-60% of the total dissolved N in the leaching water. In additional experiments, a small fertilizer N application was made to cover crops to stimulate rapid deep rooting with the goal of accessing soluble N deep in the profile to increase N capture by more than the amount of N applied. The response to fall N fertilization failed to accomplish this goal and was not related to the surface soil NO3-N concentration as expected. In spring, cover crops were terminated on three dates from mid-April to mid-May and rye biomass doubled with each extra two weeks it was allowed to grow whether it was in the mix or alone. The effect of cover crops on soil health indicators was evident with increased soil permanganate oxidizable carbon, total soil carbon, lower bulk density, and greater aggregation. These experiments demonstrated that cover crops with enhanced management can have marked effects on an agricultural system already using sustainable practices.

