Reviving anthropology's past: Digital archival access and ethical collaboration with Indigenous communities

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Sorensen, A.H., Lee, S., Marsh, D.E., Fenlon, K. and Punzalan, R.L. (2023), Reviving anthropology's past: Digital archival access and ethical collaboration with Indigenous communities. Anthropology Today, 39: 11-14.


This article outlines the revitalization of the Council for the Preservation of Anthropological Records (CoPAR) to adapt to the changing dynamics of archival data reuse in anthropology. It begins by examining the prevailing discourse on anthropological data, archives and their reuse, then explores interdisciplinary data curation trends. Recent initiatives include collaborations with Wikipedia and Wikidata and innovative design strategies to improve access to anthropological archives. The article also discusses the ethical and logistical challenges faced during this transformation. The overarching vision presented is to position CoPAR as a central hub that connects archivists, anthropologists and Indigenous communities, ensuring streamlined and ethical access to anthropological records in the digital realm.

