Formalized Application of Systems Engineering Processes to the Development of the Purple Line SharePoint Test Tracking Tool

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Testing & Commissioning (T&C) for a $2 Billion project generally consists of more than ten thousand tests, and the Purple Line Light Rail system being constructed in Maryland is no exception. The Purple Line Light Rail is expected to have at least twenty thousand tests conducted in its T&C phase over the next 3-4 years. Given the number of tests, their pre-requirements, resources (manpower, equipment, facilities) and the test reporting procedures to be used to comply with the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA), the Purple Line Transit Constructors (PLTC) felt a need for an online system that could be used to log and track tests. This Thesis focuses on the formalized application of Systems Engineering processes, in accordance with ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015, to the development of this test tracking tool. The Stakeholder requirements given by MTA and PLTC are converted to System requirements, and a Test Plan for the tool is developed in parallel. The tool is designed by PLTC in collaboration with a subcontractor to meet the System requirements and will be tested before going live.

