Laser Wakefield Acceleration in Optical Field Ionized Plasma Waveguides

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Laser wakefield accelerators (LWFA) can support acceleration gradients orders of magnitude higher than conventional radio frequency linear accelerators. This gives them the potential to drive the next generation of accelerators for high energy physics, as well as compact accelerators for many other applications. However, in order to reach higher energies and improve electron beam quality, LWFA requires the development of plasma waveguides. This thesis demonstrates two new all optical techniques for the creation of plasma waveguides. The first, “two-Bessel” technique uses a ?0 Bessel beam to form the core of the waveguide and a higher order ?? Bessel beam to form the cladding. In the second, “self-waveguiding” technique, the guided beam itself forms the cladding of the waveguide. Preliminary electron acceleration results using the self-guiding technique, as well electron acceleration simulations are also presented.

