Evaluation of organic inputs for reducing dollar spot disease on cool-season turfgrasses
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Lolium perenne, Poa annua, and Agrostis stolonifera are turfgrass species commonly grown on golf course fairways; however, they are susceptible to dollar spot (Clarireedia spp.). Field studies were conduction to assess: 1) the effects of organic fertilizer treatments and fungicide programs on dollar spot severity; and 2) the impact of organic amendments on dollar spot severity and residual fungicide efficacy. Alternating applications of organic and conventional fungicides reduced seasonal dollar spot severity to the same degree as conventional fungicides. Dollar spot was more severe in Lolium perenne and Poa annua treated with organic fungicides. On A. stolonifera, organic biosolids compost, biochar, and vermicompost amendments suppressed dollar spot to the same degree as conventional fertilizer in year one of the trial, while dollar spot was more severe on A. stolonifera fertilized with organic biosolids compost in year two. Fertilizer treatments had no effect on residual fungicide efficacy on A. stolonifera.