Historic buildings and contemporary additions: the elements of a cohesive design relationship

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With the rapid evolution of our lifestyles and the development of new technologies, it is important to find a way where old and new elements of the built environment can be represented in the future in a balanced way. Because the relationship between historic buildings and contemporary additions has always been a tension in the historic preservation field, this essay will analyze the relationship between old and new and seek to identify the proper balance between the two and explore its value for architecture and preservation. Key elements that allows historic buildings and contemporary additions to work cohesively, respecting and promoting each other’s architectural and cultural significance, are carefully examined. Historic research, surveys, and case study analysis are utilized to seek out specific design elements and patterns that can lead to the success or failure of the union between old and new.


This document has had referenced material removed in respect for the owner's copyright. A complete version of this document, which includes said referenced material, resides in the University of Maryland, College Park's library collection. Final project submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation, School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, University of Maryland, College Park, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Historic Preservation, 2009./HISP 700 Spring 2009./Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-95).
