Tools, Trends and Best Practices for Modern Researchers: LaTeX for Beginners Workshop

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Over, S. (2021). “Tools, Trends and Best Practices for Modern Researchers: LaTeX for Beginners Workshop.” In B. Buljung & E. Bongiovanni (Eds.), ACRL Scholarly Communications Cookbook.


The use of LaTeX has expanded outside of STEM fields as more disciplines become involved with large statistical analyses and big data. Due to this, many researchers have become interested in utilizing LaTeX to produce clean, professional documents for many journals and graduate theses. Unfortu- nately, learning LaTeX can be a hurdle since in practice this software is a cross between coding and writing. Workshops can help bridge this gap to teach beginners how LaTeX works, get them started on their first journal article, and provide resources for help as they learn.


Provides instructions and suggestions for giving beginner LaTeX workshops in Libraries. Materials can be found from the UMD Libraries, Workshop Materials Library from this page: For more LaTeX materials see the author's OSF or Github pages.
