A Design Concept for Reliable Mobile Radio Networks with Frequency Hopping Signaling.

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The design of a packet radio network must reflect the operational requirements and environmental constraints to which it is subject. In this paper, we outline those features that distinguish the High Frequency (HF) Intra Task Force (ITF) Network from other packet radio networks, and we present a design concept for this network that encompasses organizational structure, waveform design, and channel access. Network survivability is achieved through the use of distributed network control and frequency hopping spread spectrum signaling. We demonstrate how the execution of the fully distributed Linked Cluster Algorithm can enable a network to reconfigure itself when it is affected by connectivity changes such as those resulting from jamming. Additional resistance against jamming is provided by the use of frequency hopping, which leads naturally to the use of code division multiple access techniques that permit the simultaneous successful transmission by several users. Distributed algorithms that exploit CDMA properties have been developed to schedule contention-free transmissions for much of the channel access in this network. Contention-based channel access protocols can also be implemented in conjunction with the Linked Cluster network structure. The design concept presented in this paper provides a high degree of survivability , flexibility, to accommodate changing environmental conditions , user demands.

