Mission of Mercy emergency dental clinics: an opportunity to promote general and oral health

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Jackson, D.N., Passmore, S., Fryer, C.S. et al. Mission of Mercy emergency dental clinics: an opportunity to promote general and oral health. BMC Public Health 18, 878 (2018) doi:10.1186/s12889-018-5792-z


Mission of Mercy (MOM) emergency dental clinics are a resource for populations lacking access to dental care. We designed a MOM event incorporating health equity components with established community partners who shared a common vision of addressing the oral health, physical health, and social service needs of Maryland and Washington, DC area residents. Although studies have explored associations between oral and chronic health conditions, few studies to our knowledge have examined the relationship between these conditions and receipt of dental services. Therefore, this study explored these associations and the opportunity for better care coordination.


Partial funding for Open Access provided by the UMD Libraries' Open Access Publishing Fund.
