Lateral Capsule Migration in Microfluidic Channels
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A capsule motion inside a microfluidic channel has attracted a lot
of attention in recent decades owing to its important applications in
industrial, pharmaceutical and physiological systems such as in cell
sorting, targeted drug delivery and blood flow. In this dissertation, we
computationally investigate an elastic capsule's lateral migration inside
a constricted microfluidic device under Stokes flow conditions. We use
the Membrane Spectral Boundary Element (MSBE) method to determine the
capsule dynamics due to its high computational accuracy and versatility
in dealing with complex solid geometries.
In the bounded Poiseuille flow of the microfluidic constriction, a capsule,
placed initially off-centered will migrate away from the wall
and move toward the channel centerline. The capsule's lateral migration
behavior is caused by the combination of the wall effects due to the
existence of the channel boundary, the shear gradient generated by the
non-linear velocity distribution of the flow, and the lift force created
by the capsule deformation. We use a constricted device instead of
a straight channel to do the simulations, because the capsule's lateral
migration in a straight channel is too slow to be observed easily, while
the existence of the converging connection of the constricted device
increases the capsule's lateral velocity and thus facilitates its migration.
The main goal of our research is to investigate the effects of the capsule's
physical properties on its lateral migration behavior. We released various
deformable capsules at different initial positions, membrane hardness,
viscosity ratios, and capsule volumes inside the constricted channel
and computed their deformation behavior and migration trajectories. Our
results show that changing a capsule's viscosity ratio or the membrane
hardness does not strongly affect the capsule's lateral migration due
to the capsule's weak inner circulation. On the other hand, changing
the capsule's initial position and capsule volume strongly affect its
migration trajectories. Thus soft particles with different sizes can
be separated and identified.