A Midsummer Night's Dream: A Lighting Design

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The purpose of this thesis is to provide a discussion and documentation of the process and results of the lighting design for the fall 2012 production of A Midsummer Night's Dream of the University of Maryland - College Park, School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies in co-production with the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts - Beijing. The thesis contains the following: a discussion of collaboration throughout the design process; research images, renderings, and descriptions used to develop and communicate ideas about color, texture, intensity, form, composition, mood, and information to the production team; organization of desired equipment to execute the design; complete drafting plates and supplementary paperwork used to technically communicate the design to production electricians; magic sheet, cue list, and other documents used as organizational tools for the lighting designer during the technical rehearsal process; and archival production photographs used as documentation of the completed design.

