The Effects of Finger Movement Conditions and Speed on Finger Interdependency
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Various factors may cause non-task fingers to involuntary move during task finger movement. Finger interdependency is well documented, but only a few attempts have been made to quantify these peripheral and neurological factors, especially during different movement and frequency conditions. The purpose of the study was to quantify and differentiate the contribution of peripheral and neurological factors during different movement and speed conditions. This was examined at two different movement (active and passive) conditions and two movement speeds(0.25 Hz and 0.5 Hz) and compared to previous studies to confirm the proximity hypothesis. The results showed that finger interdependency was greater in voluntary than involuntary movement conditions. Finger interdependency was also greater during the slower speed(0.25 Hz) condition, and the proximity hypothesis was confirmed. Finger interdependency is larger during voluntary movement and at slower speeds, with the involvement of both peripheral and neurological factors.