Jet Production Cross Section Measurement In √ s = 5.02 Tev pp Collisions

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The study of jets offers insights into the nature of the basic partons composing matter, and enables further studies into the nature of the universe. This analysis presents the double-differential production cross section of radius parameter R = 0.3 proton-proton jets in units of pseudorapidity and transverse momentum at √ s = 5.02 TeV, measured in the Compact Muon Solenoid detector at the Large Hadron Collider experiment located at CERN. Jets are reconstructed using Particle Flow and the anti-kT algorithms. The methodology of correcting the detector response through Jet Energy Corrections and Bayesian unfolding is described with a detailed explanation. The results from data recorded in CMS in 2015 are shown and compared with leading-order theory-based simulated PYTHIA8 Monte Carlo events.

