Meshless Collocation Methods for the Numerical Solution of Elliptic Boundary Valued Problems and the Rotational Shallow Water Equations on the Sphere

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This dissertation thesis has three main goals: 1) To explore the anatomy of meshless collocation

approximation methods that have recently gained attention in the numerical analysis community; 2) Numerically demonstrate why the meshless collocation method should clearly become an attractive alternative to standard finite-element methods due to the simplicity of its implementation and its high-order convergence properties; 3) Propose a meshless collocation method for large scale computational geophysical fluid dynamics models.

We provide numerical verification and validation of the meshless collocation scheme applied to the rotational shallow-water equations on the sphere and demonstrate computationally that the proposed model can compete with existing high performance methods for approximating the shallow-water equations such as the SEAM (spectral-element atmospheric model) developed at NCAR. A detailed analysis of the parallel implementation of the model, along with the introduction of parallel algorithmic routines for the high-performance simulation of the model will be given.

We analyze the programming and computational aspects of the model using Fortran 90 and the message passing interface (mpi) library along with software and hardware specifications and performance tests. Details from many aspects of the implementation in regards to performance, optimization, and stabilization will be given. In order to verify the mathematical correctness of the algorithms presented and to validate the performance of the meshless collocation shallow-water model, we conclude the thesis with numerical experiments on some standardized test cases

for the shallow-water equations on the sphere using the proposed method.

