Data Access Scheduling in Firm Real-Time Database Systems

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A major challenge addressed by conventional database systems has been to efficiently implement the transaction model, which provides the properties of atomicity, serializability, and permanence. Real-time applications have added a complex new dimension to this challenge by placing deadlines on the response time of the database system. In this paper, we examine the problem of real-time data access scheduling, that is, the problem of scheduling the data accesses of real-time transactions in order to meet their deadlines. In particular, we focus on "firm deadline" real-time database applications, where transactions that miss their deadlines are discarded and the objective of the real-time database system is to minimize the number of missed deadlines. Within this framework, we use a detailed simulation model to compare the performance of several real-time locking protocols and optimistic concurrency control algorithms under a variety of real-time transaction workloads. The results of our study show that in moving from the conventional database system domain to the real-time domain, there are new performance-related forces that come into effect. Our experiments demonstrate that these factors can cause performance recommendations that were valid in a conventional database setting to be significantly altered in the corresponding real-time setting.

