Effectively evaluating environmental, social, and economic outcomes in voluntary sustainability programs: Lessons from Laos

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Voluntary sustainability programs (VSPs) are a subset of environmental interventions which rely on participants’ willingness to engage, rather than mandatory regulation. VSPs have been a central component of sustainable development and environmental mitigation strategies for decades, with significant investments from nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), multilaterals, and the private sector. VSPs typically aim to positively influence environmental, economic, and social outcomes, although program-specific priorities often result in an uneven focus across these three domains (also known as the three pillars of sustainability). Despite their popularity, questions regarding the value of VSPs remain unanswered. Assessments of VSPs typically do not eliminate rival explanations for program outcomes when evaluating their successes and failures, thus limiting our understanding of their effectiveness.This dissertation addresses this gap by investigating socioeconomic and environmental outcomes for agriculture and forestry VSPs. Mixed methods including systematic review, inverse probability-of-treatment weighted regression (IPWR), and inequality and polarization decomposition provide insights both at a global level, and for two national case studies in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (hereafter Laos). A wide range of datasets inform the analysis, including nationally representative poverty and expenditure surveys and land-use land cover estimates derived from remotely sensed imagery. By exploring a variety of VSPs – including agricultural and forestry voluntary sustainability standards and sustainable development projects – the study acknowledges the context-specific nature of VSP impact, while also drawing generalizable insights relevant for different types of interventions. The research findings presented in this dissertation elucidate the degree to which VSPs deliver on stated goals and objectives. First, a systematic literature review reveals that the evidence base for VSP impact remains limited, with some geographies, sustainability outcomes, and project types receiving more inquiry and evaluation than others. Second, an IPWR analysis suggests that agriculture and forestry VSPs have achieved some success in generating positive outcomes – specifically, for poverty and forest cover. However, variations in project focus and design bring different results. For example, food security and livelihoods programs which prioritize local socioeconomic well-being can generate significant co-benefits for environmental outcomes, and resource management projects can positively impact forest cover. Conversely, the forest management projects considered here do not achieve significant benefits for poverty or forest cover – presumably due to challenges like land tenure insecurity, insufficient participant incentives, and persistent drivers of deforestation (illegal logging, large-scale concessions). Finally, an assessment of economic inequality and polarization associated with the Laos rubber boom demonstrates the importance of assessing how VSPs influence economic inequality. It also indicates that VSPs must address inequality’s systemic drivers – including dispossession from land and forest resources, lacking worker protections, livelihood vulnerability, and barriers for smallholders – to maximize potential benefits. Overall, this dissertation research provides an example of how evidence synthesis, quasi-experimental methods, and consideration of economic, social, and environmental sustainability can deepen our understanding of VSPs.

