Sum Frequency Generation in Laser Safety and Quantum Telecommunications Applications
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This thesis describes the implications of sum-frequency generation in both laser
safety and quantum telecommunications applications. Green laser pointer technology
uses frequency doubling of invisible 1064 nm infrared radiation to visible 532 nm
green radiation. An inexpensive green laser pointer was found to emit infrared
leakage primarily due to the lack of an infrared-blocking filter. An experimental
setup using common household materials was presented to detect unwanted infrared
radiation from such devices. Also reported, is the design and characterization of a
high-speed versatile 780 nm pump source up to 1.25 GHz through second harmonic
generation from a wavelength of 1560 nm. The 780 nm source is currently being
used for the production of correlated photon pairs, one of which is at 656 nm, the
hydrogen Balmer alpha line. The final goal will be to generate a high-speed
entanglement source after some adjustments in the correlated pair source assembly.
This will improve an operational quantum key distribution system.