GIS-Based Odor Dispersion Modeling for Measuring the Effect of DCWASA Biosolids in Reuse Fields
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Biosolids distributed to reuse fields for recycling and beneficial purposes can potentially create nuisance condition to surrounding community and possibly lead to odor complaints. Consequently, the public's lack of understanding of biosolids can limit the implementation of a worthwhile beneficial reuse program. This study developed a GIS-Based odor dispersion model as an alternative method for biosolids manager to measure the impact of biosolids odorants in the reuse fields by using the DCWASA biosolids fields as the case study. The results show the prediction maps expressed as concentration contours of predicted odorant area so-called sensation area or the area that concentration above the detection threshold (DT) or 1 . The results show that the sensation area usually occurs at low wind speed condition especially in early morning and night. The sensation area, moreover, is also sensitive to topographic features particularly elevated terrain.