The Extreme Far-Right, Ideology, And Violence: An Exploration Into The Role Of Multiple Ideological Affiliation On Violent Mobilization

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Despite anecdotal instances of far-right extremists exhibiting multiple ideological affiliations, the relationship between extremists who adhere to multiple sub-ideologies and their propensity for violence is unknown. The present study contributes to the understanding of how multiple sub-ideologies impact the likelihood of violence by using differential association theory to test the hypothesis that far-right extremists in the US who adhere to multiple sub-ideologies have a greater propensity for extremist violence than single sub-ideology peers. Using data from 922 individuals who radicalized in the US, logistic regression tests the hypothesis that extremists with multiple ideological affiliations will have a greater propensity for violence and finds no significant positive relationship. Differences in the amount of differential associations may not affect violent outcomes. Moving forward, researchers should expand on and refine these findings to address an emerging issue in extremism and contribute to novel research.

