Chemoenzymatic Synthesis and Antibody Binding of HIV-1 V1/V2 Glycopeptide-Bacteriophage Qβ Conjugates as a Vaccine Candidate

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Zong, G.; Toonstra, C.; Yang, Q.; Zhang, R.; Wang, L.-X. Chemoenzymatic Synthesis and Antibody Binding of HIV-1 V1/V2 Glycopeptide-Bacteriophage Qβ Conjugates as a Vaccine Candidate. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 12538.


The broadly neutralizing antibody PG9 recognizes a unique glycopeptide epitope in the V1V2 domain of HIV-1 gp120 envelope glycoprotein. The present study describes the design, synthesis, and antibody-binding analysis of HIV-1 V1V2 glycopeptide-Qβ conjugates as a mimic of the proposed neutralizing epitope of PG9. The glycopeptides were synthesized using a highly efficient chemoenzymatic method. The alkyne-tagged glycopeptides were then conjugated to the recombinant bacteriophage (Qβ), a virus-like nanoparticle, through a click reaction. Antibody-binding analysis indicated that the synthetic glycoconjugates showed significantly enhanced affinity for antibody PG9 compared with the monomeric glycopeptides. It was also shown that the affinity of the Qβ-conjugates for antibody PG9 was dependent on the density of the glycopeptide antigen display. The glycopeptide-Qβ conjugates synthesized represent a promising candidate of HIV-1 vaccine.

