Dynamic Real-Time Scheduling in Distributed Environments
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Real-time applications are becoming increasingly popular in
distributed environments. These real-time applications range from
hard real-time applications with periodic or aperiodic tasks and
intertask relative timing constraints to soft real-time
applications with best effort timing requirements. This paper
introduces a complete system model for scheduling and dispatching
hard as well as soft real-time tasks with intertask temporal
dependencies in distributed environments. The model uses a dynamic
time based off-line scheduler to verify the feasibility of a
distributed hard real-time task set, and a parametric run-time
kernel that guarantees the temporally determinate dispatching of
hard real-time task instances and best effort performance for soft
real-time task instances. The use of the dynamic time based
scheduling, provides off-line guarantees for all the timing
requirements of the hard real-time tasks while the parametric
dispatching mechanism maintains a flexible run-time environment
that makes use of the slack time with a limited overhead.
(Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-2001-65)