Hyperspectral Reflectance as an Indicator of Foliar Nutrient Levels in Hybrid Poplar Clone OP-367 Grown on Biosolid Amended Soil
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Trees of the genus Populus are fast growing trees that require considerable amounts of water and nutrients to meet physiological growth demands. The determination of correlations between hybrid poplar leaf spectral reflectance in the 325-1100 nm range, laboratory foliar analysis of leaf macronutrient and micronutrient concentrations, and leaf water potential datasets were analyzed using Full Cross-Validation and Test Set Models via the partial least squares (PLS) method of regression analysis. Based on an evaluation of the slope of the Predicted vs. Measured regression line, the root mean squared error (RMSE), and r-squared, the majority of the models constructed did not adequately model foliar concentrations from spectral data. However, the models for H, N, P, K, Cu and Al had values (slope of the Predicted vs. Measured regression line greater than 0.50 and r-squared values greater than 0.50 in at least one type of model) that warrant future study.