COVID19 Vaccine Mapper


The COVID-19 Vaccine Mapper, developed by UMD Libraries' GIS and Data Service Center, maps out and highlights various aspects of COVID-19 vaccine development. Such aspects include the location of vaccine developers, the number of approved vaccines by country, and different vaccine delivery routes. Data is sourced from the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Dashboard and UNICEF’s COVID-19 Market Dashboard. The mapper, created with ArcGIS Experience Builder to join two ArcGIS dashboards, is divided into two pages: Vaccine Candidates and Vaccine Design. Vaccine Candidates provides a general outlook on the global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, while Vaccine Design details the specifications of the vaccines (intramuscular vs. oral delivery, DNA vs. mRNA, etc.). By analyzing changes in COVID-19 vaccine development across space and time, we can define patterns and quantify trends in the COVID-19 vaccine industry. Above:



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