Leading Change in Action: Reorganizing an Academic Library Department Using Kotter’s Eight Stage Change Model

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Hackman, Timothy. (2017). Leading Change in Action: Reorganizing an Academic Library Department Using Kotter’s Eight Stage: Change Model. Library Leadership & Management, 31(2), 1-27.


This article presents a management case study of a project to reorganize the Resource Sharing and Access Services department in the main library at the University of Maryland in 2015. The case study uses John Kotter’s eight-stage change process, articulated in his 1996 book, Leading Change, as the framework for successfully managing a complex change of this type. The article explains the ways in which Kotter’s model was adapted for the reorganization process, as well as the limitations of the model for the academic library environment in general and the department reorganization in particular. It concludes by presenting suggestions for further research in change management in library settings.

