Read my lips! Perception of speech in noise by preschool children with autism and the impact of watching the speaker’s face
Read my lips! Perception of speech in noise by preschool children with autism and the impact of watching the speaker’s face
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Newman, R.S., Kirby, L.A., Von Holzen, K. et al. Read my lips! Perception of speech in noise by preschool children with autism and the impact of watching the speaker’s face. J Neurodevelop Disord 13, 4 (2021).
Adults and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders show greater difficulties comprehending speech in the presence of noise. Moreover, while neurotypical adults use visual cues on the mouth to help them understand speech in background noise, differences in attention to human faces in autism may affect use of these visual cues. No work has yet examined these skills in toddlers with ASD, despite the fact that they are frequently faced with noisy, multitalker environments.