Integration and Evaluation of a Video Surveillance System

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Visual surveillance systems are getting a lot of attention over the last few years, due to a growing need for surveillance applications. In this thesis, we present a visual surveillance system that integrates modules for motion detection, tracking, and trajectory characterization to achieve robust monitoring of moving objects in scenes under surveillance. The system operates on video sequences acquired by stationary color and infra-red surveillance cameras.

Motion detection is implemented using an algorithm that combines thresholding of temporal variance and background modeling. The tracking algorithm combines motion and appearance information into an appearance model and uses a particle filter framework for object tracking. The trajectory analysis module builds a model for a given normal activity using a factorization approach, and uses this model for the detection of any abnormal motion pattern.

The system was tested on a large ground-truthed data set containing hundreds of color and FLIR image sequences. Results of performance evaluation using these sequences are reported in this thesis.

