Algorithms for Data Migration

dc.contributor.advisorKhuller, Samiren_US
dc.contributor.authorKim, Yoo-Ahen_US
dc.contributor.departmentComputer Scienceen_US
dc.contributor.publisherDigital Repository at the University of Marylanden_US
dc.contributor.publisherUniversity of Maryland (College Park, Md.)en_US
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is concerned with the problem related to data storage and management. A large storage server consists of several hundreds of disks. To balance the load across disks, the system computes data layouts that are typically adjusted according to the workload. As workloads change over time, the system recomputes the data layout, and rearranges the data items according to the new layout. We identify the problem of computing an efficient data migration plan that converts an initial layout to a target layout. We define the data migration problem as follows: for each item, there are a set of disks that have the item (sources) and a set of disks that want to receive the item (destinations). We want to migrate the data items from the sources to destinations. The crucial constraint is that each disk can participate in only one transfer at a time. The most common objective has been to minimize the makespan, which is the time when we finish all the migrations. The problem is NP-hard, and we develop polynomial time algorithms with constant factor approximation guarantees and several other heuristic algorithms. We present the performance evaluation of the different methods through an experimental study. We also consider the data migration problem to minimize the sum of completion times over all migration jobs or storage devices. Minimizing the sum of completion times of jobs is one of the most common objectives in scheduling literature. On the other hand, since a storage device may run inefficiently while the device is involved in migrations, another interesting objective is to minimize the sum of completion times over all storage devices. We present hardness results and constant factor approximation algorithms for these objectives. In addition, we consider the case when we have a heterogeneous collection of machines. We assume that heterogeneity is modeled by a non-uniform speed of the sending machine. For the basic problem of multicasting and broadcasting in the model, we show that Fastest Node First scheme gives a approximation ratio of 1.5 for minimizing the makespan. We also prove that there is a polynomial time approximation scheme.en_US
dc.format.extent746722 bytes
dc.subject.pqcontrolledComputer Scienceen_US
dc.subject.pquncontrolledApproximation algorithmsen_US
dc.subject.pquncontrolledData Migrationen_US
dc.titleAlgorithms for Data Migrationen_US


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